Awesome Satish ji

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Satish Phadke <> wrote:

> *Bauhinia roxburghiana* Voigt.
> Syn.
> *Bauhinia emarginata* G. don.
> Family : Caesalpiniaceae
> NATIVE. Distribution in Mah. In open forests Chandrapur. Planted in
> gardens.
> Attached  pictures from Agharkar Institute Pune.
> Moderate sized tree, deciduous,bark dark brown, rough.Leaves 10-15 cm
> long,connate almost to the apex.,coriaceous.
> Flowers yellow with purple streaks in large terminal panicles. Pods
> 7.5-15cm long flattened gradually widening to an obtuse tip
> --
> Dr Satish Phadke

*Tanay Bose*
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant.
Department of Botany.
University of British Columbia .
3529-6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 (Canada)
Phone: 778-323-4036 (Mobile)
           604-822-2019 (Lab)
           604-822-6089  (Fax)

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