Muntingia calabura is very common in Trivandrum city. We call it Bird
cherry since lots of birds visit it.

Years ago we had planted a seedling in a bit of un-cemented area in
front of the rented house where we used to live. It grew into a
beautiful tree, soon was taller than the house, lots of birds as well
as bats were regular visitors. We never removed the fallen leaves and
a rich humus cover enriched the soil. The net result was that very
many seedlings of a variety of trees started sprouting under this
tree.  We thus had a wonderful nursery of many wild trees and we
regularly supplied seedlings to our friends. Unfortunately the
neighbours were not very tolerant of our greening attempts and after a
long bout of passive resistance at last very sadly we had to cut down
the tree ourselves! But that single tree had taught me many important
lessons in ecorestoration.


On Oct 10, 8:50 pm, Madhuri Raut <> wrote:
> Thank you Dr Phadke for the info.Yes the tree houses many birds esp in the
> evenings I have seen many Bats
> Regards
> Bhagyashri
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Madhuri Raut <> wrote:
> > Thank you Ushadi.
> > Regards
> > Bhagyashri
> > On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Ushadi micromini <
> >> wrote:
> >> PS ... yes... the petals have fallen off ... they are white...
> >> no need to go back again but if you want to have a complete story,
> >> you'll just have to catch it someday... ususlly in the begiining of
> >> summer or at the height of the summer is when the flowers are in
> >> profusion...
> >> right now... in a day or two you'll have a red cherry or two... if you
> >> want a picture of the cherry on the tree. they ripen very fast...  in
> >> a day or two... not weeks as in mangoes etc..
> >> Usha di
> >> ============
> >> On Oct 10, 7:37 pm, Ushadi micromini <>
> >> wrote:
> >> > WELL DONE....
> >> > Bhagyashri...
> >> > bhagya was with you...
> >> > these are the same flowers I had photographed...
> >> > not put up yet but if you go to the link I had sent earlier of photo
> >> > of the same tree/flowers of mine... they were taken by Arijit... a
> >> > botanist ..elfora member who was kind enough to show me where he had
> >> > found the shrub...  you'll see ... you have the identical flower...
> >> > AND your little green fruit is the same as what I have ...
> >> > sorry but my data and pics are all scattered in discs and back ups..
> >> > had to reformat the hard disc...
> >> > and then with a series of tragedies in the extended  family and
> >> > friends I have not had the time to do any housekeeping for the
> >> > computer... it may take another month before I am up and running as
> >> > before...
> >> > so just look at ARIJIT's flower picture and others I am sure have
> >> > shown this  here at eflora... I just dont know all the links...
> >> > good for you...
> >> > Usha di
> >> > ===========
> >> > On Oct 10, 6:49 pm, Satish Phadke <> wrote:
> >> > > *Muntingia calabura*
> >> > > Family : Muntingiaceae
> >> > > Also placed in Elaeocarpaceae; Tiliaceae.
> >> > > Native of Mexico and south America as well as Caribbean countries.
> >> > > Naturalized in India.
> >> > > Also called as Singapore Cherry. Grows wild; seeds are easily
> >> distributed by
> >> > > birds who like the fruits-so called cherries a lot. Good plant to
> >> attract
> >> > > birds.
> >> > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Madhuri Raut <>
> >> wrote:
> >> > > > Request for identification
> >> > > > Previous identification by Ushadi and Gibyji    *Muntingia calabura*
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *Ushadi had said that even a single flower would be diagnostic*
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *I tried my luck today again and could get some pictures with great
> >> > > > difficulty of the flowers and fruits as the branches were pretty
> >> high*
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *I hope it helps for the Id*
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *
> >> > > > *Regards*
> >> > > > *Bhagyashri*
> >> > > --
> >> > > Dr Satish Phadke

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