Satish ji
According to  eFlora of Pakistan, eFlora of China and The Plant List,
Ipomoea learii Paxton is a synonym of I. indica. I have given differences
between I. indica and I. nil. Here are specific differences:

*Ipomoea indica
                             Ipomoea nil*

1. Stems appressed pubescent, sometimes rooting at nodes     1. Stems
covered with long spreading hairs.

2. Leaves pubescent with short hairs
         2.  Leaves with long spreading hairs

3. Infl. Several flowered in dense umbellate cymes.
 3.  Inf. 1-few flowered.

4. Bracts linear or lanceolate.
                                                      4. Bracts linear or

5. Sepals subequal, gradually linear-acuminate,
 5. Sepal almost equal, with spreading long hairs on outside

     appressed pilose, outer 3 lanceolate to broadly
        near base, subglabrous above with linear tip

     lanceolate, inner 2 narrowly lanceolate.

6. Corolla blue or bluish-purple aging to red, 5-7 cm long.
 6. Corolla pale to bright blue with white tube, fading pinkish

                                        with age, 3-5 cm long

7. Capsule 10-13 mm across.
              7. Capsule 8-10 mm across

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Satish Phadke <> wrote:

> Very nice Sir ji
> I have seen this climber flowering regularly everyday for a large duration
> of time last month or so.
> At least few flowers every day. Now the season is about to be over.
> Clicked some shots today itself. Will post separately.
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 12:52 PM, Gurcharan Singh (Google Docs) <
>> wrote:
>>  I've shared Convolvulaceae Week: Ipomoea obscura from 
>> Delhi<>
>>  Click to open:
>>    - Convolvulaceae Week: Ipomoea obscura from 
>> Delhi<>
>> Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 3: t. 239. 1817.
>> Syn: Convolvulus obscurus L.
>> twining herbaceous climber with thinly angular stems, ovate to reniform
>> leaves reaching 8 cm; flowers small barely reach 2.5 cm in length, pale
>> yellow to white with darker centre.
>> Commonly found in Delhi in wastelands often climbing on shrubs.
>>  Ipomoea-obscura-Vikas puri-Delhi-2
>>  Ipomoea-obscura-Vikas puri-Delhi-1
>>  Ipomoea-obscura-Model Town-Delhi-1
>>  Ipomoea-obscura-Model Town-Delhi-2
>> Gurcharan Singh
>> Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents,
>> spreadsheets and presentations.
>> [image: Logo for Google Docs] <>
> --
> Dr Satish Phadke

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