Many thanks Satish ji for this information.
Hoping to get visual keys differentiating lime and lemon.


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:32 PM, Satish Phadke <> wrote:

> *We often observe Rutaceae plants but to pinpoint the common easily
> observed character by gross look I find it difficult to tell.
> I searched some literature and found some important facts in short about
> Family : Rutaceae
> Here they are: **
> Distinguishing characters (always present)*
> Leaf lamina aromatic, usually with ethereal oil glands visible as pellucid
> dots.
> Stipules absent.
> Superior ovary.
> *Other important characters*
> Trees or shrubs, less often sub -shrubs or herbs.
> Flowers usually actinomorphic and small, usually white or cream.
> Intrastaminal disc usually present.
> Fruits capsules or schizocarps with 1-5 dehiscent mericarps, often with a
> detaching endocarp that ejects the seeds when mature, a mechanism analogous
> to most Euphorbiaceae.
> --
> Dr Satish Phadke

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