Nice photographs Raman ji
You have an impressive collection of trees.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:33 PM, raman <> wrote:

> A shrub or tree to 7 m high, of savanna and secondary jungle, recorded
> from Sierra Leone to N and S Nigeria. A variable species with two
> varieties, var. cymosa and var. zenkeri (GurÎ…ke) Brenan, recognized in the
> Region, the former extending to Uganda, the latter to E Cameroun and S.
> Tome. Other varieties occur in tropical Africa outside the Region.The wood
> is described as perishable. It is however used in Zaïre (14) and in Kenya
> (8) to make handles for tools, and in Ethiopia yokes (7). The stems are
> sometimes used in Ghana as chewsticks (12, 13).Animals are said to browse
> the foliage in Sudan (2, 3), but in the Makuyuni District the leaves are
> held to be toxic (9). The leaves are commonly used in the Yoruba agbo
> infusion given in draught and used as a wash for fever, children’s
> convulsions, etc. Sap from the fresh leaves is a mild laxative for children
> (5, 11–13). The plant (probably the leaves) is used in Gabon as a
> laxative and a febrifuge (15). The leaf, usually after pounding with that
> of Newbouldia laevis (Bignoniaceae) and a guinea pepper, is tied on the
> head for headache (5).The root, like the leaves, is considered toxic in
> Makuyuni District of Tanganyika (9, 10) but no application is ascribed to
> it. A decoction of the roots and leaves is taken in Ghana for infantile
> tetanus (5, 13), and for dysentery (Field fide 13).In Ivory Coast a
> bark-decoction is taken for amenorrhoea, and the decoction when left to
> cool separates to a supernatant layer of oil which is applied to
> skin-affections (4).The fruit is edible (3, 13) and is used in Ghana as
> bait for trapping birds (5, 13).A trace of alkaloid has been detected in
> the plant (? leaves) (1).
> Raman

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