Surajit ji
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. is based on Alsine media L., and S. monogyna is
a synonym of of it
It would be sufficient to list it as such unless we are also listing a
variant also say for *Stellaria media*  var. *micrantha* (Hayata) T. S. Liu
& S. S. Yingvar. Now we would have two taxa , one the original typical
plant which would get automatically named as Stellaria media (L.) Vill. var
media (an autonym, as it is automatically created so no author name).

In a way when we are listing simply Stellaria media, it means we
are referring  Stellaria media var. media.

Now one of the blunders of The Plant List. It lists *Stellaria media*subsp.
*cupaniana *(Jord. & Fourr.) Nyman; logically whenever such a subspecies
name is created the original type should become *Stellaria media*
subsp. *media,
*and if the two varieties are to be retained they would have names as
media *(L.) Vill. subsp. *media *var.* media *and* **Stellaria media *(L.)
Vill. subsp. *media *var. * **micrantha* (Hayata) T. S. Liu & S. S. Yingvar.
But then perhaps no one associated with The Plant List knows these basics
of Botanical nomenclature.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 7:25 AM, surajit koley <
> wrote:

> Sir,
> Both GRIN <> and The
> Plant List <> list 
> *Stellaria
> media* (L.) Vill.
> The Plant List also lists *Stellaria media* var. 
> *media*<>,
> one of its synonym is *Stellaria monogyna* D. 
> Don<>
> .
> But, neither GRIN nor The Plant List describes a plant (do they?).
> FoP has *Stellaria media* (L.) 
> Vill.<>
> FoC has two varieties of *Stellaria media* (L.) 
> Vill.<>
> In addition to above FoC also describes *Stellaria neglecta* 
> Weihe<>
> .
> This species, a wild small decumbent herb, more or less a ft high differs
> in all of the above either in 1) flowering season, 2) number of styles, 3)
> number of stamens or in more than single feature.
> But, this species conforms to *Stellaria media* L. of "Bengal 
> Plants"<>,
> along with *Stellaria media* L. = *Stellaria monogyna* D. 
> Don<>=
> *Alsinella wallichiana* 
> Benth.<>of
>  F.
> B. I. i. 
> 230.<>
> What will be its current accepted name?
> (i missed the Caryophyllaceae Week because of the flowering season of this
> plant)
> Regards,
> surajit
> --


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