Dari millis tetangga, mohon dukungannya.

----- Original Message ----- 
"apksa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "aliansi meratus" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:50 AM
Subject: [cumakita] Fwd: NGO letter to Andritz/RZB

Dear All,

Mohon dukungan kawan-kawan semua untuk ikut menandatangi/menyetujui surat 
tekanan yang ditujukan kepada ANdritz dan RZB bank di Austria yang saat ini 
ikut mendukung (berinvestasi) dalam proyek chipmill di Kalimantan Selatan.
Saat ini kami WALHI Kalsel, CAPPA dan kawan-kawan GLOBAL 2000 Austria (FoE 
Austria) lagi melakukan kampanye bersama untuk menekan para investor yang 
melakukan investasi pada proyek Chipmill dan industri pulp di Kalimantan 
Selatan. Dukungan kawan-kawan dalam kampanye ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk 
memberikan tekanan yang lebih kuat agar proyek yang akan tersebut dapat 
digagalkan karena proyek tersebut akan menjadi persoalan bagi lingkungan dan 
masyarakat di Kalsel kedepannya. Paling tidak dalam hal daya dukung bahan 
bakunya yang sangat minim untuk kapasitas industri mereka  sehingga proyek 
ini  sudah bisa dipredikasikan akan membabat kembali hutan alam yang masih 
tersisa. Saat inipun proyek tersebut juga bermasalah dengan masyarakat dalam 
hal pengadaan lahan untuk tapak proyeknya.

Untuk pemberian dukungan, mohon me-reply email ini ke alamat 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dan di cc-kan ke alamat [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;

kami harap kawan-kawan mencantumkan pada badan email :

- Nama

- Organisasi

- Posisi/jabatan pada organisasinya

- Negara Asal

Pengumpulan dukungan dari kawan-kawan ini kami tunggu sampai tanggal 19 
Nopember 2005
Demikian atas dukungan dan perhatiannya diucapkan terimakasih
Mohon juga didistribusikan ke milist lainnya yang relevan.

Berry Nahdian Forqan

=============Isi Surat================


Raiffeisen Zentralbank
z.H. Gen.Dir. Dr. Walter Rothensteiner
Am Stadtpark 9
A-1030 Wien


Andritz AG
z.H. CEO Dr. Wolfgang Leitner
Stattegger Straße 18
A-8045 Graz

Re: Concerns regarding the United Fiber System pulpmill and wood chip mill 
in Indonesian Borneo (South Kalimantan)

Dear Mr. Leitner and Mr. Rothensteiner,

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the involvement of your 
respective companies in the proposed construction of a huge pulp mill and of 
a wood chip mill by the company "United Fiber System (UFS)" in South 
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Andritz AG has signed a contract with UFS to supply 
the main machinery with a value of more than US$ 250 million and RZB is 
financing US$ 21 million or 53% of the wood chip mill.

A new pulp mill and wood chip mill must be viewed in the context of the 
forest situation in Indonesia. Currently, there is tremendous overcapacity 
in the pulp industry and rampant illegal logging. Government policies 
specify that timber for the pulp industry should be produced in plantations, 
and should not originate from natural forest cover. For the most part, this 
has not been the case, as the pulp companies have expanded their capacities 
and focused on wood procurement from natural forests instead. Approximately 
75-80% of wood used in pulp industry in Indonesia originates in natural 
forests, and recent reports by international research agencies and 
international donors have indicated that the majority of timber harvested 
from Indonesia's forests - up to 73% -- is illegally logged.[1]

As long as the rate of deforestation and associated illegal logging caused 
by the pulp industry due to rampant overcapacity in the sector has not been 
eliminated, any investment in a new pulp mill would only compound the 
structural problems of overcapacity and deforestation.

Every major pulp mill in Indonesia has caused either major social problems, 
pollution or deforestation -- in most cases all of these. Research indicates 
that the proposed pulp mill in South Kalimantan will be no exception:

Independent research institutions -- CIFOR [2005], Jaakko Pöyry [2004], 
GLOBAL 2000 [2005] - have found that there is insufficient plantation land 
available in South Kalimantan to sustainably supply the pulp mill and the 
wood chip mill with fiber wood. The latest analyses indicate that UFS lacks 
at least 133.000 hectares of plantation land needed to produce the volume of 
fiber wood required to feed the two mills. Within the concession area of UFS 
alone there are 73.000 hectares of highly endangered natural forest , and 
the wood chip mill threatens another 40.000 hectares of precious lowland 
forests. As UFS frankly admits, an expansion of the facility's capacity to 
1,2 million tonnes of pulp production per year is projected for the near 
future. A sustainable fiberwood supply of 6 millon cubic meters of 
plantation wood per year would be needed for such a capacity. There is no 
way to provide such a supply without destroying additional natural forest.

Furthermore UFS states in their Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) recently 
leaked to the public, despite efforts by UFS to keep the report secret, that 
a complete loss of aquatic sea life in the area of the pulp mill is to be 
expected, resulting in the loss of hundreds of livelihoods in traditional 
fishery. Also a massive regional increase in acute respiratory diseases as 
well as skin diseases and malaria is forecasted in the company's EIA. The 
construction of the deep sea port for the wood chip mill will destroy rare 
and precious mangrove forests and will significantly harm the aquatic sea 
life in the area.

We, the undersigned, are of the opinion that European companies with a 
reputation of being environmentally aware and of acting in a responsible 
manner should not get involved in industrial projects like this one. As a 
signatory of the "UN Environmental Programme Finance Initiative" Raiffeisen 
Zentralbank has a commitment to prevent environmental damage and to apply 
the precautionary approach. We therefore urge the bank to act according to 
its international commitment. Andritz AG is a global leader in pulp and 
paper technology and has in the past supplied machinery to several 
controversial and destructive pulp mills in Indonesia and in other parts of 
the world. This time, Andritz should take the long term effects of the 
project concerned into consideration and refrain from supplying equipment to 
United Fiber System. The proposed UFS pulp mill and wood chip mill do not 
contribute to the sustainable development of Indonesian Borneo, but, on the 
contrary, contribute to widespread deforestation, and to a further 
degradation of nature and human living conditions in the region.

Currently, your two companies are set to play a leading role in the massive, 
and potentially illegal, destruction of Indonesia's remaining forests. We 
therefore urge you to carry out appropriate due diligence and withdraw from 
the projects concerned




[1]     See, "Donor Statement on Forestry", Appendix to DFF Paper for CGI 
Meeting, pg.1; Barr, C.  "Profits on Paper: The Political-Economy of Fiber, 
Finance, and Debt in Indonesia's Pulp and Paper Industries", CIFOR, 2000; 
ICG Asia Report No 29 "Indonesia: Natural Resources and Law Enforcement", 
December 2001; The World Bank (2001), "Indonesia. Environment and Natural 
Resource Management in a Time of Transition", Washington/DC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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