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also: Australia Warns Journalists Covering E Timor Referendum; and Indonesia
Min: Need Probe Of Timor Violence Vs Journalists

Associated Press
August 27, 1999

Indonesia Rules Out Peacekeeping Force For East Timor

LISBON, Portugal (AP)--A senior Indonesian official said Friday his country
firmly opposed the deployment of an international peacekeeping force to quell
violence in East Timor and warned the Indonesian military would "fight until
the last soldier" if a force were deployed against Jakarta's wishes.

A peacekeeping force "cannot be sent without prior agreement. If one is
deployed, we'll send our troops in," Nugroho Wisnumurti, Indonesia's
negotiator for East Timor, was quoted as saying by the Portuguese news agency

"We will never succumb to international pressure and we will never accept
foreign soldiers in East Timor while the territory belongs to Indonesia,"
Wisnumurti said in an interview, according to Lusa.

Indonesia has thousands of troops and police in East Timor but they have been
unable to stamp out clashes between rival factions ahead of Monday's ballot
on independence. Under a U.N.-sponsored agreement signed with Portugal in
May, Indonesia is responsible for security in the run-up to the plebiscite.

Pro-independence activists say they are being terrorized by armed pro-Jakarta
groups. They have urged the U.N., which has several hundred unarmed police
and military liaison officers in the territory of 800,000 people, to send an
armed force to keep the peace.

Wisnumurti, who was in Lisbon for talks with Portuguese and U.N. officials,
denied accusations that Indonesian troops were backing some of the
pro-Jakarta militiamen and blamed journalists for "manipulating" information,
according to Lusa.


August 27, 1999

Australia Warns Journalists Covering E Timor Referendum

CANBERRA (AP)--Australia Friday warned journalists who are covering East
Timor's referendum on independence that they could be in danger.

Australia's joint defense force is on alert in case Monday's vote results in
violence, forcing an evacuation of the more than 200 Australians in the
Indonesian territory of East Timor.

"We've made it perfectly clear that visiting East Timor at this very
sensitive time is dangerous and...that journalists are at particular risk,"
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said on Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

"There is particular feeling among the pro-integrationists toward foreign
journalists, toward journalists in general, because of the widespread
reporting of various activities," Downer cautioned. "So I don't think there's
any doubt that journalists are a particular target and they have to be
especially careful."


August 27, 1999

Indonesia Min:Need Probe Of Timor Violence Vs Journalists

JAKARTA (AP)--Information Minister Yunus Yosfiah expressed concern Friday
about violence against journalists in the Indonesian territory of East Timor
and urged an investigation.

Yosfiah spoke one day after a number of local and foreign journalists were
attacked while covering a clash between pro- and anti-independence groups in
Dili. The clash left at least three people dead.

Among those assaulted were an Associated Press photographer and an APTN
cameraman. Neither was injured. A Reuters photographer was shot in the leg.

"I urge the security apparatus to investigate this case," Yosfiah said.
"These incidents (can't) be neglected and should not reoccur."

Didistribusikan tgl. 28 Aug 1999 jam 03:31:26 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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