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As East Timor Nears Historic Referendum, Paramilitary Violence Escalates
54 NGO Representatives Send Letter to Clinton, Press Conference and DC
Events to Commemorate Vote Scheduled for August 30

On Monday, August 30, some 450,000 registered voters in East Timor will
participate in a referendum to choose between autonomy within Indonesia or
independence.  After 24 years of brutal military occupation, few doubt that
the vast majority will opt for independence if conditions for the vote are
free and fair.  But just days before the long-awaited referendum, the
people of East Timor face escalating paramilitary threats, intimidation and
outright attacks.  Independent international observers from the
International Federation for East Timor (IFET) and other projects, and UN
mission staff have also been threatened in a macabre series of recent events.

To further maintain U.S. and international focus on East Timor in these
critical days before and immediately following the vote, when Indonesian
military-backed paramilitaries have threatened "a bloodbath" in East Timor,
the East Timor Action Network (ETAN) has scheduled a series of Washington

When voting begins on Sunday evening at 9 pm, human rights advocates will
gather at the Indonesian Embassy (2020 Mass Avenue NW) for a candlelight
vigil.  Speakers will include Dr. Dan Murphy recently deported from
Indonesia after spending 9 months victims of paramilitary attacks in East

On August 30th at the National Press Club, Dr. Dan Murphy will join a
recently returned UN-accredited observer from the International Federation
for East Timor (IFET) and Lynn Fredriksson of the East Timor Action
Network.  Their press conference will analyze the events of the day in East
Timor, as the vote is completed.

On the eve of East Timor's vote, 54 representatives of human rights and
religious non-governmental organizations have written President Clinton
strongly urging him to do more for East Timor. Their letter encouraged the
President to "strictly hold Indonesia to all of its obligations under the
May 5 UN agreement."  They stated:  "All paramilitary units should be
contained and disarmed immediately.  Indonesian military units should be
returned to barracks, and a genuine and monitored troop withdrawal should
begin immediately.  Nothing short of these measures will ensure post-vote
violence can be avoided."  They called on President Clinton to speak out
publicly to prevent further violence, and asked that U.S. threats to
military and financial assistance to Indonesia, if they don't secure the
vote in East Timor, be made explicit.

For further events or to schedule interviews with Dr. Dan Murphy, East
Timorese Nobel Peace Laureate Jose Ramos-Horta, observers currently in East
Timor and others, please contact the East Timor Action Network at the
contact information above.

East Timor Action Network
110 Maryland Avenue NE #30
Washington, DC 20002
202-544-6911; 202-546-5103 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED], www.etan.org

SiaR WEBSITE: http://apchr.murdoch.edu.au/minihub/siarlist/maillist.html

Didistribusikan tgl. 28 Aug 1999 jam 11:27:49 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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