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08/29/1999 21:49:00 ET

Australia says evacuation from East Timor unlikely

  CANBERRA, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Australia said on Monday it did not expect
East Timor, now voting to decide its future, to become dangerous enough to
justify an evacuation.

"Our expectation is that the situation in East Timor won't get out of hand to
the extent that there would be a need for evacuation," Australian Foreign
Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said.

"In the event that there was a need for an evacuation, we would obviously
just not evacuate Australians, but other members of the international
community and we have a whole process for doing that," he told reporters
before briefing cabinet on the East Timor situation.

Australian defence forces in Darwin are on stand-by to evacuate people from
East Timor if the situation deteriorates.

Rioting in the troubled former Portuguese colony has claimed at least a dozen
lives in the past few days. Most of the violence has been blamed on militias
opposed to independence.

There are fears that the result of the twice-delayed U.N.-run ballot will be
met with a violent backlash from the  losing side.

Downer said early reports about the voting process were encouraging. East
Timorese will choose in the ballot between special autonomy within Indonesia
or complete independence.

"I have heard that there are very substantial queues for voting, including in
the town of Maliana which is one of the strife-torn parts of East Timor, so
that is a positive early indication," Downer said. "But there are a lot of
hours to go yet so I am not calling anything at this stage."

Asked about a peace accord signed between pro-independence guerrillas and
pro-Indonesia militias on Sunday, Downer said events would show whether the
agreement to limit the carrying of weapons really meant anything.

"The judgment I make about the peace accord is going to be based on what
happens on the ground during the course of today and also over the next few
weeks," Downer said.

"I wouldn't rush to any rapid, unguarded conclusions before I saw how it was

Downer said the result of the ballot was not expected to be announced before
September 6 or 7.

Didistribusikan tgl. 30 Aug 1999 jam 04:52:16 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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