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CNRT Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusm=E3o

Beloved and heroic people of East Timor.

Today, the 30th of August, is a day of great historical significance in our
liberation struggle.

Today the East Timorese people exercise their fundamental right to

Today, before the international community, we will decide our destiny, our
future, our freedom, our independence.

It has not been easy, but we have overcome the difficulties, the suffering
and bloodshed, the grief and the sorrow.

I recognise that these past few days have been difficult, overwhelmingly

However, I appeal to the entire population to draw upon their last reserves
of courage and determination.

Let us vote, let us all vote. Let us not be afraid. East Timor depends on
the courage and conviction we demonstrate today.

This day marks once and for all times the end of our long suffering and
today, too, we affirm our sovereignty as a people.

Let us vote, let us all vote!
Let us not be afraid!

In conclusion, I make an appeal for everyone to return to their homes after

I order the youth and youth leaders to be in control of their emotions, to
refrain from provocation and resist the temptation to respond to
provocation. I am aware that some youth have allowed themselves to get out
of control and this cannot continue. Further death and bloodshed in East
Timor is intolerable. Our youth must play a political role in containing
violence. Our youth must assume responsibility for averting further
bloodshed in our homeland

Reconciliation must be genuine and entered into with sincerity. Some of
those in positions of responsibility within our Resistance structures have,
through deeds or words, obstructed an awareness of the true meaning of
reconciliation. And this is wrong.

Once again, I appeal to all to return home after voting and to contribute to
a climate of greater tranquility for all!

Let us vote. Let us free our homeland, our beloved East Timor.=20

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao
President of CNRT

30 August, 1999

SiaR WEBSITE: http://apchr.murdoch.edu.au/minihub/siarlist/maillist.html

Didistribusikan tgl. 30 Aug 1999 jam 14:18:01 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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