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ANTARA, AUG 26 1999

East Timor: Police Deny Accusation They Will Leave East Timor On
Balloting Day

Dili, E Timor, Aug 26 (ANTARA)-The police in East Timor deny the
allegation they will leave East Timor on balloting day, August
30, 1999.

"The issue is not true. This is the provocation of certain parties
that the colleagues here will leave East Timor," said the Head of
Information Services, Provincial Police in East Timor, Capt. Pol.
Widodo in a press meeting at the Media Center here Thursday.

He disclosed that the police will stay in East Timor until the
decision of the General Session of MPR (People's Consultative
Body) in October concerning the outcome of the balloting in East
Timor. "If necessary, the strength of RI Police will be increased,
if the situation in East Timor deteriorates," he said.

However, based on analysis by the police, the balloting will be
conducted as scheduled to see whether the East Timorese people
accept or reject the wide-ranging autonomy.

Both warring factions, namely the pro-integration and anti-
integration, understand the expectations of the police that the
balloting will be conducted in a safety and security.


Didistribusikan tgl. 2 Sep 1999 jam 08:46:04 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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