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Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Sat, 4 Sep 1999 17:39 AEST

Gusmao returned to home detention

In Jakarta, Indonesian authorities have had a change of heart after earlier
today returning East Timorese separatist leader Xanana Gusmao to jail.

Xanana Gusmao, who was sent back to prison this morning, has now returned to
the house where he has been detained since January.

Upon his return he backed a statement released earlier in the day calling for
armed international peacekeepers, saying it is the only way to save the
people of East Timor from a new genocide.

Portugal's special envoy in Indonesia, Ana Gomes, backed his statement.

She called on UN Security Council members to find the political will to
authorise sending in an international force.

A group of foreign diplomats are believed to have met today with President BJ
Habibie to discuss international concerns about the inaction of security
forces on the ground in East Timor.

Didistribusikan tgl. 4 Sep 1999 jam 10:09:07 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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