P.Rahardjo wrote:
> Saya forwardkan email yang menarik,
> saya tidak tahu kebenarannya,
> tolong kawan-kawan yang di tanah air lihat UFO ini apa nggak

Jangan-jangan satelit unamet yang ditunggangi bung ramos brengos:-)

> From: "#Tom#" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 18:59:54 +0700

> Di situ ada benda seperti sekumpulan awan putih yang lebih putih
> dari awan sebenarnya dan ... bergerak sangat cepat ! Saya nggak bisa
> membayangkan betapa cepatnya benda itu kalau ada di darat.

Mungkin terasa cepat sekali benda itu terbang ... karena dibandingkan
dengan angkot ... 'ngkali:-)

> Pertama kali melihat benda itu angkot yang saya naiki ada tepat di
> depan Pusdiklat Telkom Bandung Gegerkalong ... Sejak saya tahu itu
> saya tidak melepaskan pandangan sedikitpun ke arah angkasa.

Wah ... wah ... kelihatannya masalah Timtim tidak hanya menarik
dunia international, bahkan dunia UFO pun tertarik ... pasti mereka
akan membentuk UFOMET untuk jajak pendapat mengenai UNKAMPRET:-)

> Bung Nur ... gimana nih ... ?

Weleh ... weleh ini apa yang dimaksud adalah Mas Nur Agustinus
yang ahli UFO-ria mengenai UFO .... ck ... ck ... dasar:-)

PS: Hayo Mas Pudjo sudah selesai regresinya belon ... kok sudah
    bergabung dengan UFOPRET:-)

Hati-hati yang sering ber-UFO-ria jangan sampai nasibnya seperti
kelompok heaven's gate yang dagelannya di bawah ini:-) Prolog: ingat
peristiwa tragis kelompok ini pada saat komet Hale-Bopp melintas:-)

--                                        Djoko Luknanto-Jack la Motta

                              HEAVEN'S GATE CULT
        To: Heaven's Gate Personnel
        From: The Mothership
        Subject: Scheduled Pickup
        For immediate distribution:
        Due to extensive tail winds caused by the comet Hale-Bopp,
        pickup of 39 passengers has been delayed til 2024 when we
        pass by Earth again.
        Do not eat the pudding at this time.
        REPEAT: DO NOT eat the pudding at this time.
        Change made after cult suicides
        April 2, 1997 Web posted at: 8:05 p.m. EST (0105 GMT) 
        LONDON (AP) -- The company that insured the 39 members of the
        Heaven's Gate cult against abduction by aliens stopped
        offering the policy after their mass suicide last week,
        managing director Simon Burgess said Wednesday.
        "Because of the manipulation of malevolent third parties,
        innocent lives were wrecked," he said. "I am deeply shocked
        and saddened, and that's why we're withdrawing from the
        market. We don't wish to contribute to a repetition of the
        Heaven's Gate deaths."
        The cult members bought a policy last October for $1,000,
        which covered up to 50 members and would pay $1 million per
        person for abduction, impregnation or death caused by aliens.
        "They were aware that we provided alien-abduction insurance
        from the Internet," Burgess said.
        The 39, including leader Marshall Applewhite, took their own
        lives, last week at a home on the outskirts of San Diego,
        California, seeking redemption in a spaceship they believed
        was trailing the Hale-Bopp comet.
        The beneficiary of the policy was the Society of Heaven's
        Gate, said Burgess, managing director of the brokerage
        Goodfellow Rebecca Ingrams Pearson, or GRIP.
        The brokerage added alien insurance to its list of policies
        last summer. Heaven's Gate was one of 4,000 policyholders
        worldwide that bought it, Burgess said. Britain and the United
        States were the biggest markets.
        While those policies will not be renewed, the company still
        offers other unusual policies, which account for about 10
        percent of business.
        "We insure virgins against immaculate conception; prostitutes
        against loss of earnings from headache and backache;
        conversion to a werewolf or vampire; death or serious injury
        through paranormal activity; and unfaithful husbands against
        Bobbitting," he said. This was a reference to John Bobbitt,
        whose wife severed his penis in 1993.
        The cult's policy, meantime, remains in force until October,
        but collecting on it is another issue entirely.  "They would
        have to prove that they were abducted," Burgess said.


        (my apologies to the late Dr. Suess...)
        Written by: Jeffrey D. Warren
        There was a cult named Heavan's Gate.
        Those 39 they could not wait.
        After Hale-Bopp it was too late.
        That zany Mr. Applegate!
        The UFO they said they'd find,
        Trailed Hale-Bopp not far behind.
        A crazier notion I've yet to find.
        At what point did they lose their mind?
        They did not die there in the hall.
        They did not die against the wall.
        It seemed that no one tried to stall,
        Communal phenobarbitol.
        It took no time to close their peepers.
        The cops just thought they were deep sleepers.
        My favorite part? Their new black sneakers!
        Will Nike market them as "Air Grim Reapers"?
        Now this is the part I really hate:
        The testicles they did castrate.
        I guess they made no plans to mate.
        They could not even masturbate!
        I guess when you figure death cannot wait,
        There is no time to masturbate.
        What?! No time to masturbate?!
        Why would ANYONE join Heavan's Gate?!
        This one belief they did all share:
        For life on earth they did not care.
        Their families thought it wasn't fair.
        Hey, what was their f**ked up hair?
        The media cannot help debate,
        What caused them to direct their fate.
        Was it Mr. Applegate?
        Who cares?  They were nuts!  I think it's great.
        I toast them with every vodka sip.
        Now, who else wants that mothership?
        One comes to mind - as I purse my lip.
        I think Tim McVeigh earned a free one-way trip!

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