> Somebody wrote:
> >    \"If Wiranto resigns and is replaced by his deputy 
Widodo A.S., it will
> >not surprise us. What I am concerned about is if this 
(move) is to allow
> him
> >to seek the presidential nomination,\" he said.
> Just confused...
> Somebody said, according to the UN officer whom 
visited TimTim last week,
> he will be charged and brought to an International 
> Supreme Court.

Not only Wiranto, but also Adam Damiri (Pangdam 
Udayana), Danrem in Dili, Zakry Makarim, and other 
military and police personels plus militia men, will be 
targeted as the war criminals in east Timor affair.

I hope Indonesian parlaiment does not install a criminal 
as the next President.      

Semmy Littik

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