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Dear Friends,

Sending you a copy of the OzIndo Project newsletter, just in case I =
forgot to tell you about this inspiring project.
Best wishes
Judy Shelley
Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance

OzIndo Project News=20
"Working towards a brighter Australian and Indonesian tomorrow"
PO Box 394=20
Balgowlah N.S.W. 2093=20
Tel/Fax: (02)9977 6135=20
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]=20

[No. 14. 15.11.1999]=20

Editor=92s Note: Having arrived back in Sydney after a three-week, =
work-related trip to the United States, the Editor is presently feeling =
the effects of jetlag and therefore apologises for any inaccuracies, =
omissions or typographical errors that appear in the following =
newsletter! This newsletter serves as a reminder and invitation to all =
our sponsors and supporters to come along to the following events:=20

AT 11:15am ON SUNDAY 21 NOVEMBER 1999=20

COMMENCING AT 10:30AM, the team=92s arrival will be preceded by a =
program of music and dance produced by Wot Cross-Cultural Synergy. =
Performers include Mary McKillop East Timorese Singers, Arafura, =
Seorkesnyah and the Forest High School Concert Band.=20

Guest speakers include:=20

Reverend John Barr (Unity & International Mission, the Uniting Church of =
Hon. Kathryn Sullivan MP (Parliamentary Secretary, Foreign Affairs)=20
Hon. Laurie Brereton MP (Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs)=20
Hon. Henry Tsang, MLC (on behalf of the NSW Premier, Bob Carr)=20

Come and help us celebrate the fact that Fiona Collins, accompanied and =
supported by Jan Lingard and Timur Nugroho, has ridden a bicycle 16,455 =
kms around Australia. They have travelled through Canberra, Melbourne, =
Adelaide, Perth, Broome, Darwin, Alice Springs, Cairns, Townsville, =
Brisbane, the far north coast of NSW and Newcastle, raising awareness of =
the plight of our nearest Asian neighbours, whilst at the same time =
urging Australians not to demonise the ordinary Indonesian citizen in =
the wake of the East Timor crisis and have raised, to date  $50,000 for =
the implementation of food subsidisation programs in several Indonesian =
provinces =AD and more recently, for East Timor relief purposes.=20

Also, tickets for the Welcome Back OzIndo Project Team Luncheon, are =
selling fast. All bookings must be received by Friday, 19 November 1999. =
For those people who are unable to attend the luncheon but would like to =
send a message to the team to be read on the day, please fax your =
message c/o Marlene Brooke, National Council of Women of NSW Inc [Fax: =
02 9231 5739] or fax/mail to the OzIndo Project, GPO Box 394, Balgowlah, =
N.S.W. 2093 [Fax: 02 9977 6135] by Thursday 28 November 1999.=20


The Presidents and Executive of=20



Monday, 29 November 1999=20
12 noon for 12:30 pm=20
in the=20
Macquarie Street, Sydney=20

Cost: $40.00 per person=20


and her support team JAN LINGARD and TIMUR NUGROHO=20
who will talk about their cycle trip around Australia=20

Early booking is advisable as numbers will be strictly limited.=20
Group or individual books available, no Entr=E9e Cards will be issued.=20

RSVP: Marlene Brooke by Friday, 19 November.=20
Please complete the details below and send your cheque to:=20
National Council of Women of NSW Inc.=20
GPO Box 4942, Sydney, 1044.=20
Tel: 02 9231 5690, Fax: 02 9231 5739=20

Reserve ...........Places at $40.00 per person for the Welcome Back =
OzIndo Team Luncheon on Monday, 29 November 1999. Cheque enclosed for $ =
.................... Tables of 10 available.=20


Full Names of Guests:

1 ............................................................2 =
3 ............................................................4 =
5 ........................................................... 6 =
7 ............................................................8 =
9 ......................................................... 10 =

The OzIndo Project in Indonesia:October-November 1999=20

Our thanks to Robert Letchford in Malang who has been organising further =
OzIndo Project pasar murah in Indonesia. A full report in our next =

The OzIndo Project Journey: 2 October =AD 5 November 1999=20

Total distance travelled: 2,483 kms.=20

Places Visited: (QLD) Townsville; Ayr; Bowen; Proserpine; Mackay; =
Sarina; St Lawrence; Marlborough; Rockhampton; Gladstone; Granite Creek; =
Gin Gin; Bundaberg; Childers; Hervey Bay; Maryborough; Gympie; Noosa; =
Beerburrum; Redcliffe; Brisbane; Burleigh Heads; (NSW) Murwillumbah; =
Byron Bay.=20

Highlights: On the final leg of their journey now! The strong headwinds =
are still proving a physical and psychological hurdle for Fiona who has =
spent the last couple of weeks negotiating the steadily increasing =
stream of traffic on the federal highway as well as a series of swooping =
magpie attacks on the road from Ayr to Childers!!! And we thought that =
it was only camels that enjoyed close encounters with Fiona!=20

The OzIndo Project Team would like to extend a special thanks to the =
following people for providing accommodation and support along the way:=20

Alf Dixon, retired Uniting Church minister in Bowen, for warm welcome =
and hospitality and for the frozen mango =AD yum!=20

Special thanks to the Uniting Church minister John Williams and wife =
Dell of Aerlie Beach for allowing team to camp in yard, and to John for =
arranging the team=92s visit to the Aerlie Beach Rotary Club dinner and =
for organising a visit to Cannonvale State School.=20
Also, thanks to John, the team were able to enjoy one of their most =
relaxing afternoons of the whole trip when he took the team for a little =
cruise in the Whitsundays. A perfect afternoon that did the team all the =
world of good.=20

Special thanks to Daryl Clark of Sarina Public School, for arranging for =
Fiona and team to speak at assembly and to visit a couple of classes. =
Also, thanks to Daryl and Kathy Clark as well as Darcy, Zoe, Ryan, =
Brianna and Reuben, the team spent a lovely night and meal at the family =

Thanks to Dr Spike Jan, dentist, for treating Jan at short notice and =
for giving her a generous discount.=20

Owen Ronalds from Yeppoon Uniting Church deserves our thanks for =
accompanying Fiona into Rockhampton and, together with his wife and =
Uniting Church Minister Kaye Ronalds, for welcoming the team into their =
home. Also, thanks to the Mayor of Rockhampton for greeting the team =
upon their arrival in Rockhampton.=20

Our heartfelt thanks to D C Motors Rockhampton, and Bob Pacey, Service =
Advisor, for their great generosity in servicing the car =AD free labour =
and spare parts.=20

Thanks to members of the following Rotary and Soroptimist clubs who =
steadily continue to support the OzIndo Project: Soroptimist Club of =
Ayr, particularly Cecilia, Janie and Wendy for organising barbeque and =
accommodation for the night; Thanks to the friendly and generous members =
of the Mackay North Rotary Club; Rockhampton East Rotary Club; Gladstone =
Middday Rotary Club; the Brisbane Highrise Rotary Club (thanks to Paul =
Barnaby for arranging this visit); Brisbane South Soroptimist Club; =
Southbank Parklands for a combined Soroptimists=92 barbeque, organised =
by Olive Shield.=20

Fiona was met on the outskirts of Gin Gin by a group of enthusiastic =
students from the Gin Gin State High School, who rode to the school with =
Fiona and who=92d organised a sate sizzle, a "guess how many Ks Fiona's =
cycled so far" competition, an angklung performance and donations of =
food for THE TEAM!! Thanks to Michelle Macnamara and Louise Blair, the =
teachers at Gin Gin State High School who did so much hard work on the =
team=92s behalf, and to the students of Gin Gin State High School for =
making the visit such a memorable and invaluable experience!=20

Thanks to Mr & Mrs Metelli for free accommodation at Gin Gin Central =

The Mayor of Bundaberg, Kay MacDuff and a number of councillors - thanks =
for officially welcoming team into town and for hosting a lunch for the =

Thanks to Geoff and Denise Savage, from the Bundaberg Uniting Church, =
for allowing team to camp in their yard. Also thanks to Geoff for =
organising a meeting with the Bundy Uniting Church Youth Group with whom =
the team spent a very pleasant evening. Thanks to all those who made =

Thanks to Reverend Jan Russo of Childers for letting team camp in her =
yard and to the Childers Uniting Church congregation for giving the team =
an opportunity to =91tell their story=92, for their donations, and for =
the barbeque at Woodgate beach.=20

Thanks to Mayor Bill Brennan of Hervey Bay Council for welcoming the =
team into his town, for arranging free camping for team at Scarness =
Caravan Park.=20

Thanks to Mayor Alan Brown for welcoming team into Maryborough and to =
Bevan Lobley of Maryborough Uniting Church and his wife Sue, for their =
warm hospitality. Special thanks to Bevan for arranging both the mayoral =
welcome and a public meeting at the church. The team spoke to members of =
the Girls Brigade and to some members of the public who came to listen. =
Over $100 in donations raised.=20

Thanks to Mayor Mick Vernandos of Cooloola Shire Council for the welcome =
into Gympie and to Reverend Ross and Narelle Davies of Gympie Uniting =
Church for providing the team with camping space.=20

Special thanks to Fiona=92s cousin Robyn Homan for all her generosity =
and efforts on behalf of the team during their stay in Noosa. Robyn =
provided the team with accommodation at the pleasant Weyba Lake Resort =
and with delicious seafood meals from the Keyser Seafood Cafe which she =
and husband Peter own.=20

Thanks to Robyn and her daughter Paige Homan for accompanying Fiona on =
bikes to Noosa Shire Council where the team was welcomed by Councillor =
Ray Kelly. The team attended a morning tea and met the mayor, who =
donated a sample bag of Noosa souvenirs for the team to raffle. The =
following day, the team attended the school assembly at Noosaville State =
School where Fiona (much to the delight of Paige) was given an =
opportunity to address the students. Thanks to all involved.=20

Thanks to Andrew Von Berky for joining Fiona in the ride into Redcliffe =
and to Andrew & Janet von Berky and family for the meals, the comfy beds =
and the loads of useful advice and assistance during team=92s stay in =

Special thanks to the Anglican Archbishop of Queensland, Peter =
Hollingworth for hopping on a bike and riding with Fiona to Brisbane=92s =
Town Hall. Archbishop Hollingworth=92s support maximised the OzIndo =
Project=92s media exposure in Brisbane. Thanks also to the Archbishop =
for the $300 donation from the Anglican Church, to Mark, the =
Archbishop=92s assistant and to the Deputy Lord Mayor of Brisbane who =
came out to welcome the team into Brisbane.=20

Carolyn Hoban, teacher of Indonesian at Brisbane Boys College for =
organising team=92s visit to the school.=20

David Pear, Director of International House, University of Queensland =
for providing team with accommodation during stay in Brisbane and for =
organising an informal Morning Tea at International House.=20

Picnic lunch with students in Indonesian Department, University of =
Queensland. They donated $100. Thanks to Dr Helen Creese and staff for =
organising this pleasant function.=20

AIBC (Qld branch) for inviting Fiona to attend their breakfast =

To Mark Young, who organised a public forum at Justice House, thereby =
providing the team with an invaluable opportunity to further their =
awareness-raising endeavours.=20

To Lyn Sampson and Veronica Abolins for organising team=92s visit to St =
Thomas More School to talk to year 8.=20

Thanks to Honorary Indonesian Consul, Greg Vickery, for his help in =
facilitating Fiona=92s attendance at business luncheon.=20

During their busy stay in Brisbane, the team attended cocktail party and =
opening of the Mater Art Extravaganza, raising funds for the planned =
medical and nursing staff exchange program between the Mater, and the =
Rumah Sakit Dr Kariadi in Semarang, one of Brisbane's sister cities. =
Thanks to Mayor Jim Sorley for extending an invitation to the team and =
to Ian Klug, chairman of the Brisbane Semarang Sister City Committee.=20

Thanks also to Veronica Abolins and Paul Murray for letting team park =
the van at their place.=20

Thanks to St Stephens College at Coomera for inviting team to talk to =
students. Also to staff and students of Hillcrest College for their =
enthusiastic support. The students at Hillcrest College are currently =
holding a "Bikes for Timor" appeal. The Yr 10 students are doing up old =
bikes that have been donated, before sending them to East Timor. A =
wonderful initiative. Also thanks to the group of students who =
accompanied Fiona on bike from a nearby shopping centre to Hillcrest =
College and to the headmaster of the college for inviting the team to =

Murwillumbah Christian Community College for giving team opportunity to =
talk to students there.=20

Deputy Mayor George Davidson of Tweed Heads Shire Council for welcoming =
team into town.=20

Thanks to Therese from Jan for her hospitality.=20

Byron Bay High School for staging a fundraising concert for the OzIndo =
Project. The team would like to thank the following performers for =
giving of their time and energy:=20
MC - Tjintana Matahari.=20
Shearwater Steiner School Mullumbimby - angklung and singing=20
Cape Byron Steiner School- Indonesian songs and dance=20
Byron Gamelan Society=20
Rampak Indonesia- Sumatran and Javanese Dance=20
Orisha International- Mask dance performance=20
Simon Ivanac, of Offerings, Byron Bay, for the beautiful floral =
offerings, palms and statues.=20
Thanks also to Esther Pearson, from Byron Bay High school for her help.=20
Biggest thanks of all to Judith Shelley, from Australia Indonesia Arts =
Alliance for organising all of this for us. Judith worked tirelessly on =
our behalf to manage this concert and make it all possible and we are =
very grateful to her.=20
Fiona rode to Byron and arrived unfortunately close to the end of the =
program, but in time to be introduced by Ian Cohn, local MLC- thanks to =
Ian for giving his time to do this.=20

Sincere thanks to Horst Thiele and Elizabeth Maddocks of Mullumbimby for =
hospitality and to Elizabeth for setting up a UC meeting for team.=20

With Thanks to...=20
 The Uniting Church in Australia's Unity and International Mission for =
their public endorsement of our project.=20

With thanks to our sponsors...=20
 =95AAJ Associates =95 Abbie Messiter and Family =95 AIBC (Australia =
Indonesia Business Council) =95 Auburn Automobiles =95 Australian =
National University =95 ASILE (Australian Society of Indonesian Language =
Educators =95 Belrose Village Manipulative and Sports Physiotherapy =
Centre =95 Bigfoot Bags & Covers =95 Blackmores Ltd. =95 Body Torque =95 =
Gerard Calihanna =95 Coates Hire =95 Colin McDonald QC =95 Compuserve =
Apse Pty Ltd =95 Crystal Lodge Blue Mountains Health Retreat =95 =
Professor Helen Dunstan =95 Economic Strategies/Economic Strategies =
Indonesia =95 Dr Joan Fitton =95 Flinders University =95 Furnita Pty Ltd =
=95 Garuda Indonesia =95 Headstart Helmets =95 IDP Education Australia =
=95 J Madgwick Drafting =95 Dr Nerida Jarkey =95 Jones & Rickard Pty Ltd =
=95 Kuta Lines =95 Dr Lily Lee =95 Monash University =95 Nevile & Co =
Solicitors =95 NRMA =95 Nusantara Indonesian Bookshop =95 Pacific Road =
Corporate Finance =95 Pedal Pushers =95 Pentecost & Smith Real Estate =
=95 Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills Inc. =95 Rio Tinto Australia =95 =
Salatiga Program =95 Sanitarium Health Food Company =95 School of Asian =
Studies, University of Sydney =95 Sydney Adventist Hospital =95 Dr. Ross =
Walker & Sydney Heart Image =95 Unidial =95 The University of Melbourne =
=95 The University of New England =95 The University of New South Wales =
=95 The University of Sydney =95 The University of Western Sydney =95 M. =
Whybourne =95 Yayasan Rio Tinto.=20

And to our kind supporters...=20
 =95 Australian Church Women =95 ACICIS (Australian Consortium for =
In-Country Indonesian Studies =95 Australian Medical Association =95 =
Australian Physiotherapy Association =95 National Council of Women =95 =
The British International School =95 Indonesia Australia Business =
Council =95 Inside Indonesia =95 National Council of Women =95 The =
Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association Inc. =95 Soroptimist =

Want to help?=20

Become part of the OzIndo Project vision today!

Tell your family, friends and business associates about the OzIndo =
Pass on a copy of OzIndo Project News to anyone who may be interested... =

Hop on a bike and welcome the team into your city or town=85=20
Provide accommodation for the team as they make their way around =
Make a tax deductible credit card donation to the OzIndo Project by =
ringing our toll free number 1800 000 331=85=20

Thank you for your support=85=20

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Dear Friends,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Sending you a copy of the OzIndo Project newsletter, =
just in=20
case I forgot to tell you about this inspiring project.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Best wishes</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Judy Shelley</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2><A=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B></B></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>&nbsp;</DIV></FONT>
<CENTER><B><I><FONT size=3D+4>OzIndo Project News</FONT></I></B> =
size=3D+1>"Working towards a brighter Australian and Indonesian=20
<P>PO Box 394 <BR>Balgowlah N.S.W. 2093 <BR>Tel/Fax: (02)9977 6135 =
<P>[No. 14. 15.11.1999]=20
<P><B><I>Editor=92s Note:</I></B> Having arrived back in Sydney after a=20
three-week, work-related trip to the United States, the Editor is =
feeling the effects of jetlag and therefore apologises for any =
omissions or typographical errors that appear in the following =
newsletter! This=20
newsletter serves as a reminder and invitation to all our sponsors and=20
supporters to come along to the following events: <BR>&nbsp;=20
<BR><B><FONT size=3D+1>AT 11:15am ON SUNDAY 21 NOVEMBER 1999</FONT></B>=20
<P><B>COMMENCING AT 10:30AM</B>, the team=92s arrival will be preceded =
by a=20
program of music and dance produced by Wot Cross-Cultural Synergy. =
include Mary McKillop East Timorese Singers, Arafura, Seorkesnyah and =
the Forest=20
High School Concert Band.=20
<P>Guest speakers include:=20
<P><B>Reverend John Barr (Unity &amp; International Mission, the Uniting =
of Australia)</B> <BR><B>Hon. Kathryn Sullivan MP (Parliamentary =
Foreign Affairs)</B> <BR><B>Hon. Laurie Brereton MP (Shadow Minister for =
Affairs)</B> <BR><B>Hon. Henry Tsang, MLC (on behalf of the NSW Premier, =
<P>Come and help us celebrate the fact that Fiona Collins, accompanied =
supported by Jan Lingard and Timur Nugroho, has ridden a bicycle 16,455 =
around Australia. They have travelled through Canberra, Melbourne, =
Perth, Broome, Darwin, Alice Springs, Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane, the =
north coast of NSW and Newcastle, raising awareness of the plight of our =
Asian neighbours, whilst at the same time urging Australians not to =
demonise the=20
ordinary Indonesian citizen in the wake of the East Timor crisis and =
raised, to date&nbsp; $50,000 for the implementation of food =
programs in several Indonesian provinces &shy; and more recently, for =
East Timor=20
relief purposes.=20
<P>Also, tickets for the <B>Welcome Back OzIndo Project Team =
Luncheon</B>, are=20
selling fast. All bookings must be received by <B>Friday, 19 November =
For those people who are <U>unable to attend the luncheon but would like =
to send=20
a message to the team</U> to be read on the day, please fax your message =
<B>Marlene Brooke, National Council of Women of NSW Inc [Fax: 02 9231 =
or fax/mail to the <B>OzIndo Project, GPO Box 394, Balgowlah, N.S.W. =
2093 [Fax:=20
02 9977 6135]</B> by <B>Thursday 28 November 1999</B>.=20
<P>********************************************************************* =

<CENTER><B>The Presidents and Executive of</B><B></B>=20
NSW</FONT></B><B><FONT size=3D+1></FONT></B>=20
<P><B>Monday, 29 November 1999</B> <BR><B>12 noon for 12:30 pm</B> =
Street, Sydney</B>=20
<P><B>Cost: $40.00 per person</B>=20
<P><B><FONT size=3D+1>FIONA COLLINS</FONT></B> <BR><B>and her support =
team <FONT=20
size=3D+1>JAN LINGARD</FONT> and <FONT size=3D+1>TIMUR =
NUGROHO</FONT></B> <BR><B>who=20
will talk about their cycle trip around Australia</B><B></B>=20
<P><B>Early booking is advisable as numbers will be strictly =
<BR><B>Group or individual books available, no Entr=E9e Cards will be =
<P><B>RSVP: Marlene Brooke by Friday, 19 November.</B> <BR><B>Please =
the details below and send your cheque to:</B> <BR><B>National Council =
of Women=20
of NSW Inc.</B> <BR><B>GPO Box 4942, Sydney, 1044.</B> <BR><B>Tel: 02 =
9231 5690,=20
Fax: 02 9231 5739</B><B></B>=20
<P>Reserve ...........Places at $40.00 per person for the Welcome Back =
Team Luncheon on Monday, 29 November 1999. Cheque enclosed for $=20
.................... Tables of 10 available.=20

<P><B>Full Names of Guests:</B></CENTER>
<P>1 ............................................................2=20
..................................................................... =
..................................................................... =
.......................................................... 6=20
..................................................................... =
..................................................................... =
........................................................ 10=20
<BR>&nbsp; <BR><B><I><FONT size=3D+1>The OzIndo Project in=20
Indonesia:October-November 1999</FONT></I></B><FONT size=3D+1></FONT>=20
<P>Our thanks to Robert Letchford in Malang who has been organising =
OzIndo Project pasar murah in Indonesia. A full report in our next =
<P><B><I><FONT size=3D+1>The OzIndo Project Journey: 2 October &shy; 5 =
1999</FONT></I></B><FONT size=3D+1></FONT>=20
<P><B>Total distance travelled: </B>2,483 kms.=20
<P><B>Places Visited:</B> (QLD) Townsville; Ayr; Bowen; Proserpine; =
Sarina; St Lawrence; Marlborough; Rockhampton; Gladstone; Granite Creek; =
Gin; Bundaberg; Childers; Hervey Bay; Maryborough; Gympie; Noosa; =
Redcliffe; Brisbane; Burleigh Heads; (NSW) Murwillumbah; Byron Bay.=20
<P><B>Highlights:</B> On the final leg of their journey now! The strong=20
headwinds are still proving a physical and psychological hurdle for =
Fiona who=20
has spent the last couple of weeks negotiating the steadily increasing =
stream of=20
traffic on the federal highway as well as a series of swooping magpie =
attacks on=20
the road from Ayr to Childers!!! And we thought that it was only camels =
enjoyed close encounters with Fiona! <BR>&nbsp;=20
<P><B><I><FONT size=3D+1>The OzIndo Project Team would like to extend a =
thanks to the following people for providing accommodation and support =
along the=20
way:</FONT></I></B> <BR>&nbsp;=20
<P><B>Alf Dixon</B>, retired <B>Uniting Church minister in Bowen</B>, =
for warm=20
welcome and hospitality and for the frozen mango &shy; yum!=20
<P>Special thanks to the <B>Uniting Church minister John Williams</B> =
and wife=20
<B>Dell of Aerlie Beach</B> for allowing team to camp in yard, and to =
John for=20
arranging the team=92s visit to the <B>Aerlie Beach Rotary Club</B> =
dinner and for=20
organising a visit to <B>Cannonvale State School.</B> <BR>Also, thanks =
to John,=20
the team were able to enjoy one of their most relaxing afternoons of the =
trip when he took the team for a little cruise in the Whitsundays. A =
afternoon that did the team all the world of good.=20
<P>Special thanks to <B>Daryl Clark of Sarina Public School,</B> for =
for Fiona and team to speak at assembly and to visit a couple of =
classes. Also,=20
thanks to <B>Daryl and Kathy Clark as well as Darcy, Zoe, Ryan, Brianna =
Reuben</B>, the team spent a lovely night and meal at the family home.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Dr Spike Jan</B>, dentist, for treating Jan at short =
notice and=20
for giving her a generous discount.=20
<P><B>Owen Ronalds</B> from <B>Yeppoon Uniting Church</B> deserves our =
for accompanying Fiona into <B>Rockhampton</B> and, together with his =
wife and=20
Uniting Church Minister <B>Kaye Ronalds</B>, for welcoming the team into =
home. Also, thanks to the <B>Mayor of Rockhampton</B> for greeting the =
team upon=20
their arrival in Rockhampton.=20
<P>Our heartfelt thanks to <B>D C Motors Rockhampton, and Bob Pacey, =
Advisor, </B>for their great generosity in servicing the car &shy; free =
and spare parts.=20
<P>Thanks to members of the following Rotary and Soroptimist clubs who =
continue to support the <I>OzIndo Project</I>: <B>Soroptimist Club of =
particularly <B>Cecilia, Janie and Wendy</B> for organising barbeque and =

accommodation for the night; Thanks to the friendly and generous members =
of the=20
<B>Mackay North Rotary Club;</B> <B>Rockhampton East Rotary Club</B>;=20
<B>Gladstone Middday Rotary Club</B>; the <B>Brisbane Highrise Rotary =
(thanks to <B>Paul Barnaby</B> for arranging this visit); <B>Brisbane =
Soroptimist Club</B>; <B>Southbank Parklands</B> for a combined =
barbeque, organised by <B>Olive Shield.</B>=20
<P>Fiona was met on the outskirts of <B>Gin Gin</B> by a group of =
students from the <B>Gin Gin State High School</B>, who rode to the =
school with=20
Fiona and who=92d organised a sate sizzle, a "guess how many Ks Fiona's =
cycled so=20
far" competition, an angklung performance and donations of food for THE =
Thanks to <B>Michelle Macnamara and Louise Blair</B>, the teachers at =
Gin Gin=20
State High School who did so much hard work on the team=92s behalf, and =
to the=20
students of Gin Gin State High School for making the visit such a =
memorable and=20
invaluable experience!=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Mr &amp; Mrs Metelli </B>for free accommodation at =
<B>Gin Gin=20
Central Motel.</B>=20
<P>The <B>Mayor of Bundaberg, Kay MacDuff</B> and a number of =
councillors -=20
thanks for officially welcoming team into town and for hosting a lunch =
for the=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Geoff and Denise Savage, from the Bundaberg Uniting =
for allowing team to camp in their yard. Also thanks to Geoff for =
organising a=20
meeting with the <B>Bundy Uniting Church Youth Group </B>with whom the =
spent a very pleasant evening. Thanks to all those who made donations.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Reverend Jan Russo of Childers</B> for letting team camp =
in her=20
yard and to the <B>Childers Uniting Church</B> congregation for giving =
the team=20
an opportunity to =91tell their story=92, for their donations, and for =
the barbeque=20
at Woodgate beach.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Mayor Bill Brennan of Hervey Bay Council </B>for =
welcoming the=20
team into his town, for arranging free camping for team at <B>Scarness =
<P>Thanks to <B>Mayor Alan Brown</B> for welcoming team into =
and to <B>Bevan Lobley of Maryborough Uniting Church and his wife =
Sue,</B> for=20
their warm hospitality. Special thanks to Bevan for arranging both the =
welcome and a public meeting at the church. The team spoke to members of =
Girls Brigade and to some members of the public who came to listen. Over =
$100 in=20
donations raised.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Mayor Mick Vernandos of Cooloola Shire Council </B>for =
welcome into Gympie and to <B>Reverend Ross and Narelle Davies of Gympie =
Church </B>for providing the team with camping space.=20
<P>Special thanks to Fiona=92s cousin <B>Robyn Homan</B> for all her =
and efforts on behalf of the team during their stay in Noosa. Robyn =
provided the=20
team with accommodation at the pleasant Weyba Lake Resort and with =
seafood meals from the <B>Keyser Seafood Cafe</B> which she and husband =
<P>Thanks to <B>Robyn and her daughter Paige Homan</B> for accompanying =
Fiona on=20
bikes to Noosa Shire Council where the team was welcomed by =
<B>Councillor Ray=20
Kelly</B>. The team attended a morning tea and met the mayor, who =
donated a=20
sample bag of Noosa souvenirs for the team to raffle. The following day, =
team attended the school assembly at <B>Noosaville State Schoo</B>l =
where Fiona=20
(much to the delight of Paige) was given an opportunity to address the =
Thanks to all involved.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Andrew Von Berky</B> for joining Fiona in the ride into=20
Redcliffe and to <B>Andrew &amp; Janet von Berky and family</B> for the =
the comfy beds and the loads of useful advice and assistance during =
team=92s stay=20
in<B> Redcliffe</B>.=20
<P><B>Special thanks to the Anglican Archbishop of Queensland, Peter=20
Hollingworth for hopping on a bike and riding with Fiona to Brisbane=92s =
Hall. Archbishop Hollingworth=92s support maximised the OzIndo =
Project=92s media=20
exposure in Brisbane. Thanks also to the Archbishop for the $300 =
donation from=20
the Anglican Church, to Mark, the Archbishop=92s assistant and to the =
Deputy Lord=20
Mayor of Brisbane who came out to welcome the team into Brisbane.</B>=20
<P><B>Carolyn Hoban</B>, teacher of Indonesian at <B>Brisbane Boys =
for organising team=92s visit to the school.=20
<P><B>David Pear, Director of International House, University of =
</B>for providing team with accommodation during stay in Brisbane and =
organising an informal Morning Tea at International House.=20
<P>Picnic lunch with students in Indonesian Department, University of=20
Queensland. They donated $100. T<B>hanks to Dr Helen Creese and =
staff</B> for=20
organising this pleasant function.=20
<P><B>AIBC (Qld branch)</B> for inviting Fiona to attend their breakfast =

<P>To<B> Mark Young</B>, who organised a public forum at Justice House, =
providing the team with an invaluable opportunity to further their=20
awareness-raising endeavours.=20
<P>To <B>Lyn Sampson and Veronica Abolins</B> for organising team=92s =
visit to=20
<B>St Thomas More School</B> to talk to year 8.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Honorary Indonesian Consul, Greg Vickery</B>, for his =
help in=20
facilitating Fiona=92s attendance at business luncheon.=20
<P>During their busy stay in Brisbane, the team attended cocktail party =
opening of the <B>Mater Art Extravaganza</B>, raising funds for the =
medical and nursing staff exchange program between the <B>Mater, and the =
Sakit Dr Kariadi in Semarang, </B>one of Brisbane's sister cities. =
Thanks to=20
<B>Mayor Jim Sorley</B> for extending an invitation to the team and to =
Klug, chairman of the Brisbane Semarang Sister City Committee.</B>=20
<P>Thanks also to <B>Veronica Abolins and Paul Murray</B> for letting =
team park=20
the van at their place.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>St Stephens College at Coomera</B> for inviting team to =
talk to=20
students. Also to <B>staff and students of Hillcrest College</B> for =
enthusiastic support. The students at Hillcrest College are currently =
holding a=20
"Bikes for Timor" appeal. The Yr 10 students are doing up old bikes that =
been donated, before sending them to East Timor. A wonderful initiative. =
thanks to the group of students who accompanied Fiona on bike from a =
shopping centre to Hillcrest College and to the headmaster of the =
college for=20
inviting the team to lunch.=20
<P><B>Murwillumbah Christian Community College</B> for giving team =
to talk to students there.=20
<P><B>Deputy Mayor George Davidson of Tweed Heads Shire Council</B> for=20
welcoming team into town.=20
<P>Thanks to <B>Therese</B> from Jan for her hospitality.<B></B>=20
<P><B>Byron Bay High School </B>for staging a fundraising concert for =
<I>OzIndo Project</I>. The team would like to thank the following =
performers for=20
giving of their time and energy: <BR><B>MC - Tjintana Matahari.</B>=20
<BR><B>Shearwater Steiner School Mullumbimby - angklung and singing</B>=20
<BR><B>Cape Byron Steiner School- Indonesian songs and dance</B> =
Gamelan Society</B> <BR><B>Rampak Indonesia- Sumatran and Javanese =
<BR><B>Orisha International- Mask dance performance</B> <BR><B>Simon =
Ivanac, of=20
Offerings, Byron Bay,</B> for the beautiful floral offerings, palms and =
<BR>Thanks also to <B>Esther Pearson</B>, from Byron Bay High school for =
help. <BR><B>Biggest thanks of all to Judith Shelley, from Australia =
Arts Alliance for organising all of this for us.</B> Judith worked =
tirelessly on=20
our behalf to manage this concert and make it all possible and we are =
grateful to her. <BR>Fiona rode to Byron and arrived unfortunately close =
to the=20
end of the program, but in time to be introduced by <B>Ian Cohn, local =
thanks to Ian for giving his time to do this.=20
<P>Sincere thanks to <B>Horst Thiele and Elizabeth Maddocks of =
for hospitality and to Elizabeth for setting up a UC meeting for team.=20
<P><B>With Thanks to...</B> <BR>&nbsp;<B><I><FONT size=3D+1>The Uniting =
Church in=20
Australia's Unity and International Mission for their public endorsement =
of our=20
<P><B>With thanks to our sponsors...</B> <BR>&nbsp;=95AAJ Associates =95 =
Messiter and Family =95 AIBC (Australia Indonesia Business Council) =95 =
Automobiles =95 Australian National University =95 ASILE (Australian =
Society of=20
Indonesian Language Educators =95 Belrose Village Manipulative and =
Physiotherapy Centre =95 Bigfoot Bags &amp; Covers =95 <B>Blackmores =
Ltd.</B> =95 Body=20
Torque =95 Gerard Calihanna =95 Coates Hire =95 Colin McDonald QC =95 =
Compuserve Apse=20
Pty Ltd =95 Crystal Lodge Blue Mountains Health Retreat =95 Professor =
Helen Dunstan=20
=95 Economic Strategies/Economic Strategies Indonesia =95 Dr Joan Fitton =
=95 Flinders=20
University =95 Furnita Pty Ltd =95<B> Garuda Indonesia</B> =95 Headstart =
Helmets =95 IDP=20
Education Australia =95 J Madgwick Drafting =95 Dr Nerida Jarkey =95 =
<B>Jones &amp;=20
Rickard Pty Ltd </B>=95 Kuta Lines =95 Dr Lily Lee =95 Monash University =
=95 Nevile=20
&amp; Co Solicitors =95 NRMA =95 Nusantara Indonesian Bookshop =95 =
Pacific Road=20
Corporate Finance =95 Pedal Pushers =95 Pentecost &amp; Smith Real =
Estate =95 Rotary=20
Club of West Pennant Hills Inc. =95 <B>Rio Tinto Australia</B> =95 =
Salatiga Program=20
=95 <B>Sanitarium Health Food Company</B> =95 School of Asian Studies, =
University of=20
Sydney =95 Sydney Adventist Hospital =95 <B>Dr. Ross Walker &amp; Sydney =
Image</B> =95 Unidial =95 The University of Melbourne =95 The University =
of New=20
England =95 The University of New South Wales =95 The University of =
Sydney =95 The=20
University of Western Sydney =95 M. Whybourne =95 <B>Yayasan Rio =
<P><B>And to our kind supporters...</B> <BR>&nbsp;=95 Australian Church =
Women =95=20
ACICIS (Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies =95 =
Medical Association =95 Australian Physiotherapy Association =95 =
National Council of=20
Women =95 The British International School =95 Indonesia Australia =
Business Council=20
=95 Inside Indonesia =95 National Council of Women =95 The Northern =
Cattlemen's Association Inc. =95 Soroptimist International. <BR>&nbsp;=20
<P><B><I>Want to help?</I></B><B><I></I></B>=20
<P><B><I>Become part of the OzIndo Project vision=20
<P>Tell your family, friends and business associates about the OzIndo =
<BR>Pass on a copy of OzIndo Project News to anyone who may be =
<BR>Hop on a bike and welcome the team into your city or town=85 =
accommodation for the team as they make their way around Australia=85 =
<BR>Make a=20
tax deductible credit card donation to the<I> OzIndo Project </I>by =
ringing our=20
toll free number <B>1800 000 331=85</B>=20
<P><B><I><FONT size=3D+1>Thank you for your support=85</FONT></I></B> =
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