On 5/19/11 12:02 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:

>> I don't think this makes sense as (1) data sets in replicated mode are
>> usually small and (2) Infinispan's focus is on distributed data.
> I think in both cases (repl and dist) it still may make sense in some cases.  
> E.g., in dist, if a node joins, existing owners could, rather than push data 
> to the joiner, just push a list of {key: version} tuples, which may be 
> significantly smaller than the values.

How does it know which keys to send ? It doesn't know the joiner's local 
data, so it would have to do a key-by-key comparsion of the joiner's 
local data with its own data, akin to what rsync does. This only makes 
sense if the data to be shipped to the joiner is large.

Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team
infinispan-dev mailing list

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