Thanks for the paper, Paolo - I'll have a read of it over the weekend.

On 9 Jun 2011, at 21:47, Paolo Romano wrote:

> There has been a lot of discussion on this topic also in the Transactional 
> Memory area, triggered to the best of my knowledge by this paper [1]. 
> Mixing transactional and non-transactional access to shared state opens a 
> number of subtle scenarios and there are a pile of follow-up papers on how to 
> try to make tx and non-tx access coexist (what is called strong-atomicity in 
> TM terminology), and it typically implies adding a good deal of complexity 
> and overheads.
> My opinion is fully aligned with Galder's & Manik's view: enforcing a neat 
> and clear separation at the API level in order to prevent mixing tx and 
> non-tx access is the way to go. This ensures that non-tx accesses can be 
> supported by fast and clean mechanisms, while also simplifying management of 
> transactions.
> Cheers,
>     P
> [1]
> On 6/9/11 9:39 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>> Regarding the comment on transactional versus non-transactional threads 
>> mentioned on - I think the fact 
>> that we allow this is a flaw.
>> The approach we are taking with JSR 107 is such:
>> 1) If a cache is non-transactional, transactional threads accessing the 
>> cache throw an exception.
>> 2) If a cache is transactional, threads must have an ongoing transaction.  
>> If not, an exception is thrown, unless:
>> 3) Auto-commit is configured to be true.  In this case, if a 
>> non-transactional thread accesses the cache, a tx is started, work done, and 
>> the tx auto-committed.
>> See!topic/jsr107/WW-ObwfFEbI - and feel 
>> free to chime on on that list as well.  :-)
>> This is another relevant and interesting thread: 
>> Cheers
>> Manik
>> On 9 Jun 2011, at 20:31, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>> Good summary, Mircea.  Breaking it down - and the specific design as well 
>>> in the JIRAs - makes it seem almost trivial to implement.  ;)
>>> On 24 May 2011, at 22:36, Mircea Markus wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> This is re:
>>>> I've created JIRAs for the locking optimisations as follows:
>>>> #1:
>>> Keep in mind the LockingInterceptor delegates a lot of the copyOnWrite (of 
>>> CacheEntries) and the corresponding locking to the EntryFactoryImpl.  This 
>>> too would probably need to be subclassed.
>>>> #2: this seems to be just a particular case of #4 
>>>> #3:
>>> Looks good, however I'm concerned about the key comparator and how this 
>>> would deterministically order keys.  Basing order on hashcode can lead to 
>>> collisions (and if using the default Object.hashcode breaks down 
>>> completely).  And we can't *require* that users provide one; we'd need to 
>>> provide a sensible - if suboptimal - default.
>>>> #4:
>>> Paolo's concerns are very valid.  Vector clocks to determine order of 
>>> application on non-primary owner node is one mechanism that would work; 
>>> another may be that each node only ever communicates with the primary 
>>> owner.  And the primary owner then has the responsibility of propagating 
>>> prepares and commits to other peers.  This will mean eventual consistency 
>>> though, since concurrent readers would always have to read from the primary 
>>> owner since reading from other owners of an entry may result in stale data.
>>> Another potential problem here is failover.  You should discuss how you 
>>> intend to deal with failure in the primary owner, with different 
>>> transactions at various stages of completion.
>>> Cheers
>>> Manik
>>> --
>>> Manik Surtani
>>> Lead, Infinispan
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>> --
>> Manik Surtani
>> Lead, Infinispan
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Lead, Infinispan

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