On 3 Aug 2011, at 19:39, Sanne Grinovero wrote:

> Hello all,
> could anybody explain why the ComponentRegistry is performing the
> following operation ?
> The method
> AbstractComponentRegistry#getFromConfiguration(Class<T>)
> which invokes:
> org.infinispan.util.BeanUtils.getterMethod(Class, Class)
> and this one throws thousands of NoSuchMethodException if you have a
> rather large number of caches to see if it can find a matching
> element, and seems to slow down startup significantly in some cases.
> Throwing such an exception seems to be expected since it's inspecting
> Configuration.class (statically!) - it always returns null.
> I've tried to remove all those methods and short-circuit a nicely
> performing "return null": not a single test failed.
sounds sensible to me: this is not public API and that method's logic is pretty 
straight forward. Of course we can start a discussion on IRC about this if you 
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