On 09/16/2011 09:56 AM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> On 16 September 2011 09:50, Tristan Tarrant<ttarr...@redhat.com>  wrote:
>> I was thinking if there could be a better/simpler way and allow users to
>> deploy key2stringmappers in the same way that jdbc drivers are deployed:
>> by placing a jar with an appropriate
>> META-INF/services/org.infinispan.loaders.keymappers.Key2StringMapper in
>> the deployments dir.
>> What do you think ?
> I'd love that. The problem is that the Key2StringMapper
> implementations would need to depend on the key types they where
> designed for.
That would be a problem when deploying via the module method too, 
wouldn't it ? You'd have to decouple the classes that make up your key 
out of your application...

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