On 10 Dec 2011, at 10:04, Pete Muir wrote:

> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1474
> Currently we do a mix of:
> enableXXX()
> disableXXX()
> enabled(boolean b)
> XXX(boolean b)
> where XXX is something to enable or disable (e.g. purgeOnStartup). We also 
> the scatter the word use around in a very inconsistent fashion.
this is a bit ugly indeed
> I would like to rationalise this, and would propose that every boolean has:
> enableXXX
> disableXXX
> xxxEnabled(boolean b)
> The former 2 are nice for hardcoded config, the latter is nice when you are 
> adapting one format to another (e.g. Paul).
I think this would be much more readable. My only comment is that we allow two 
ways of doing the same thing, which might be slightly confusing for the users. 
Also the easiness of migration from old to new configuration is important, but 
IMO not as important to make the new config simple.
> I would deprecate the usage of XXX(boolean b) and useXXX(boolean b) and 
> remove in 6.
> Thoughts?
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