On 20 Dec 2011, at 17:15, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:

> On 11-12-20 1:54 PM, Pete Muir wrote:
>> That should be pretty trivial.
>> Only hard bit is integrating this into CDI module. Vladimir, do you provide 
>> a SPI for object instantiation and injection in the Map Reduce/Distributed 
>> Executor stuff? If so, Kevin can probably knock it up in an hour or two + 
>> tests ;-)
> No, I do not. I will talk to Kevin so he can let me know what he needs and 
> then we can take it from there!

Here is the SPI that CDI has for this purpose:


I would suggest modelling after it, as it's proved successful, and will make 
CDI integration easy. (BTW I don't mean use it directly, I mean copy and paste 
it into infinispan code). Furthermore, what I would suggest you do is support 
the decorator pattern here, by creating one of these internally, and then 
allowing it to be got hold of by an extension, wrapped, and handed back to you. 
This makes it trivial for the extension to override the bits it wants. We also 
need to consider whether we want to allow overriding the construction and 
destruction of the object, as I guess by default you serialise/deserialize 
these? Might be useful to allow overriding anyway, in a fully stateless model 
(where changes are written back to the cache).
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