On 2/27/13 8:10 PM, Pedro Ruivo wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: ISPN-2808 - thread pool for incoming message [feedback]
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 19:06:49 +0000
> From: Pedro Ruivo <pe...@infinispan.org>
> To: infinispan-core-...@infinispan.org <infinispan-core-...@infinispan.org>
> Hi all,
> I'm working on ISPN-2808 and I want some feedback about it (code is here
> [1])
> I'm starting to implement this feature but I know that Asynchronous
> Invocation API is not totally finished in JGroups.

It is; I'll upload the 3.3.0.Beta1 version to Nexus in ca. 20 minutes...

> My idea in to use an executor service in CommandAwareRpcDispatcher
> (CARD) and when a request (command) is received, it checks if it is
> useful to move the command execution to another thread (in this line [2])
> For now, I'm thinking to move all the write commands, lock control
> command, prepare command and commit command to the executor service

Can't a COMMIT or ROLLBACK be invoked directly ? Aren't they non-blocking ?

> (Note: commit command is only moved when in DIST mode and L1 is enabled).
> first question: do you think it is fine to move the commands to the
> executor service in CARD or should I move this functionally to the
> InvoundHandler?

I thought we were going to implement this as *first* interceptor in the 
chain, e.g. to allow thread locals to still work ? By the time a command 
reaches the CommandAwareRpcDispatcher, we're already half-way through 
the chain.

-- Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)
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