Hmmm, we now disabled CapeDwarf logging, and it runs a lot better.

We are logging every stuff that goes on,
and then it's up to user to filter it later -- this is how GAE does it.

The weird thing is that there shouldn't be any fine log traffic, INFO+ level 
Marko is looking into this.

But sometimes users will want to have FINE log level,
meaning a lot more traffic will go into cache.
And then it still shouldn't kill the app -- as it does now.


On Apr 8, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Ales Justin <> wrote:

> Steps to re-produce:
> (1) checkout JBossAS 7.2.0.Final tag --> JBOSS_HOME
> (2) build CapeDwarf Shared
> (3) build CapeDwarf Blue
> (4) build CapeDwarf AS
> mvn clean install -Djboss.dir=<JBOSS_HOME> -Pupdate-as
> This will install CapeDwarf Subsystem into previous AS 7.2.0.Final
> (5) grab GAE 1.7.6 SDK
> (6) Build GAE demos/helloorm2
> ant
> cd war/
> zip -r ROOT.war .
> This will zip the demo app as ROOT.war,
> which you then deploy to AS.
> (7) start CapeDwarf
> ./ -c standalone-capedwarf.xml -b <IP> 
> (8) deploy the app / ROOT.war
> ---
> Deploy this on a few nodes, goto browser: http://<IP:8080>,
> add a few flights and see how it works.
> It now runs a bit better, where we changed mstruk's laptop with luksa's.
> But we still get replication locks ...
> Also, the problem is that query on indexing slave takes waaay tooo long.
> Anyway, you'll see. ;-)
> Ping me for any issues.
> -Ales

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