On 13 April 2013 11:20, Bela Ban <b...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 4/13/13 2:02 AM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>> @All, the performance problem seemed to be caused by a problem in
>> JGroups, which I've logged here:
>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-1617
> Almost no information attached to the case :-( If it wasn't you, Sanne,
> I'd outright reject the case ...

I wouldn't blame you, and am sorry for the lack of details: as I said
it was very late, still I preferred to share the observations we made
so far.

>From all the experiments we made - and some good logs I'll cleanup for
sharing - it's clear that the thread is not woken up while the ACK was
already received.
And of course I wouldn't expect this to fail in a simple test as it
wouldn't have escaped you ;-) or at least you would have had earlier

There are lots of complex moving parts in this scenario: from a Muxed
JGroups Channel, and the Application Server responsible for
initializing the stack with some added magic from CapeDwarf itself:
it's not clear to me what configuration is exactly being used, for

Without a testcase we might not be 100% sure but it seems likely to be
an unexpected behaviour in JGroups, at least under some very specific

I'm glad to help tracking down more details of what could trigger
this, but I'm not too eager to write a full unit test for this as it
involves a lot of other components, and by mocking my own components
out I could still reproduce it: it's not Hibernate Search, so I'll
need the help from the field experts.

Also I suspect a test would need to depend on many more components: is
JGroups having an easy way to manage dependencies nowadays?

some more inline:

> The MessageDispatcher will *not* wait until the timeout kicks in, it'll
> return as soon as it has acks from all members of the target set. This
> works and is covered with a bunch of unit tests, so a regression would
> have been caught immediately.

I don't doubt the "vanilla scenario", but this is what happens in the
more complex case of the CapeDwarf setup.

> I attached a test program to JGRP-1617 which shows that this feature
> works correctly.
> Of course, if you lose an ack (e.g. due to a maxed out incoming / OOB
> thread pool), the unicast protocol will have to retransmit the ack until
> it has been received. Depending on the unicast protocol you use, this
> will be immediate (UNICAST, UNICAST3), or based on a stability interval

Right it's totally possible this is a stack configuration problem in the AS.
I wouldn't be the best to ask that though, I don't even understand the
configuration format.

>> For the record, the first operation was indeed triggering some lazy
>> initialization of indexes, which in turn would trigger a Lucene
>> Directory being started, triggering 3 Cache starts which in turn would
>> trigger 6 state transfer processes: so indeed the first operation
>> would not be exactly "cheap" performance wise, still this would
>> complete in about 120 milliseconds.
> This sounds very low for the work you describe above. I don't think 6
> state transfers can be completed in 120ms, unless they're async (but
> then that means they're not done when you return). Also, cache starts
> (wrt JGroups) will definitely take more than a few seconds if you're the
> first cluster node...

It's a unit test: the caches are initially empty and networking is loopback,
on the second round some ~6 elements are in the cache, no larger than
~10 character strings.
Should be reasonable?

>> Not being sure about the options of depending to a newer JGroups
>> release or the complexity of a fix, I'll implement a workaround in
>> HSearch in the scope of HSEARCH-1296.
> If you add more information to JGRP-1617, I'll take a look. This would
> be a critical bug in JGroups *if* you can prove that the
> MessageDispatcher always runs into the timeout (I don't think you can
> though !).

Considering the easy workaround and that definitely this needs
something special in the configuration, I wouldn't consider it too
critical? For as far as we know now, it's entirely possible the
configuration being used is illegal. But this is exactly where I need
your help ;-)

>> As a lesson learned, I think we need to polish some of our TRACE level
>> messaged to include the cache name: to resolve this we had not just
>> many threads and components but also 4 of them where using JGroups
>> (interleaving messages of all sorts) and 9 different caches where
>> involved for each simple write operation in CD: made it interesting to
>> figure what was going on!
> Yes, that would help. In JGroups, I usually log the cluster address of
> the thread that's writing to the log, so I can differentiate between
> different clusters on the same host.

Right, thread names and message correlation ids have been extremely useful,
it's mostly the multiple Infinispan - caches without a name statement
which should be improved as often the same user thread would invoke a
sequence of operations on different caches, so same thread and same
cluster name.. to make things funnier this was interleaving messages
from non-transactional caches with optimistic and pessimistic
messages, even Mircea got confused on WTF was going on at some point

>> Also I'm wondering how hard it would be to
>> have a log parser which converts my 10GB of text log from today in a
>> graphical sequence diagram.
> Yes, something like wireshark "follow TCP" feature would be very helpful !

More on that, a basic initial step would be something which filtered
out all non-related information; for example an option "hide/show
stable messages", etc..

On the testcase again: glad to help if I can but please don't forget
this is by far not my field nor my priority, in working hours at least


> --
> Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)
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