Hi Galder,
you make many interesting points but I am not interested in discussing
my specific design ideas in detail, I just sketched that quickly as an
example of requirements description.
My intervention in this thread is all about demanding what the use
case is for such a synchronous cachestore.

It is my understanding that lots of people are currently discussing
how to best make a synchronous cachestore mostly efficient, but I yet
have to see what the requirements are. My use case - although
expecting an asynchronous one - is just an example of how I would like
to see the general architecture described first before we waste time
on a useless component.

I am not stating that nobody wants a strictly synchronous CacheStore,
but I would like to challenge the arguments who made someone (who?)
ask for this, as I believe there are many other things that would need
to be addressed.

Therefore, my suggestion for describing the main use cases we expect
to support is not off-topic at all, it's the first thing any engineer
would have requested, and I would not spend a minute more of our
engineers in coding without a clear description of the expected
architecture, expected reliability, expected operations to be used.


On 3 July 2013 14:59, Galder Zamarreño <gal...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Sanne, let me comment on some of the points you raised that didn't comment on 
> in an earlier comment...
> On Jul 2, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org> wrote:
>> It would be nice to have a deck of "cheat sheets" on the expected use
>> cases and guarantees: to me it looks like everyone is trying to solve
>> a different problem / having a different problem in mind.
>> My own take on it:
>> Scenario #1
>> I'll primarily use Infinispan with DIST, and I don't care much for
>> other options. Reliability is guaranteed via numOwners>1, NOT by
>> persisting to disk: if a node fails, I kill the VM (the machine, not
>> the Java process) and start new ones to compensate: I'm assuming cloud
>> nodes, so it's likely that when a failed node is gone, the disk is
>> gone as well, with all the carefully stored data.
>> I will use Infinispan primarily to absorb write spikes - so a "synch
>> flush" is no good for me - and to boost read performance by as much
>> memory I can throw at it.
>> CacheStore is used for two reasons:
>> - overflow (LIRS+passivation) for then the memory is not enough
>> - clean shutdown: you can think of it as a way to be able to upgrade
>> some component in the system (Infinispan or my own); I would expect
>> some kind of "JMX flush" operation to do a clean shutdown without data
>> loss.
> ^ Should this really be implemented at the Infinispan level? In the 
> AS/EAP/Wildfly case, they take care that all transactions have finished 
> before shutting down, and Infinispan benefits from that.
>> Given such a scenario, I am not interested at all in synchronous
>> storage. Before we commit into a design which is basically assuming
>> the need for synchronous storage guarantees, I'd like to understand
>> what kind of use case it's aiming to solve.
> Sanne, any **strict** synchronous storage guarantees (e.g. to force or to 
> not) will be configurable and most likely they'll be disabled, just like 
> Level DB JNI, or Karsten's file cache store by default. A case where someone 
> might want to enable this is when it just has a local cache and wants to 
> persist data for recovery. Of course, the whole node and the disk could die…, 
> but this is not so far fetched IMO.
> The whole discussion about **strict** synchronous storage guarantees in this 
> thread is to make sure we're comparing apples with apples. IOW, it doesn't 
> make sense to compare performance when each has different **strict** 
> synchronous storage guarantee settings.
>> It would be great to document each such use case and put down a table
>> of things which can be expected, which features should not be expected
>> (be very explicit on the limitations), and how basic operations are
>> expected to be performed in the scenario: like how do you do a rolling
>> upgrade in Scenario 1# ? How do you do a backup? And of course some
>> configurations & code examples.
> ^ Hmmm, these operations are not really specific to the file cache store 
> per-se. They are valid points, for sure, but out of the scope of this IMO.
>> Only then we would be able to pick a design (or multiple ones); for my
>> use case the proposal from Karsten seems excellent, so I'm wondering
>> why I should be looking for alternatives, and wondering why everyone
>> is still wasting time on different discussions :-D
>> I'm pretty sure there is people looking forward for a synch-CacheStore
>> too: if you could nail down such a scenario however I'm pretty sure
>> that some other considerations would not be taken into account (like
>> consistency of data when reactivating a dormant node), so I suspect
>> that just implementing such a component would actually not make any
>> new architecture possible, as you would get blocked by other problems
>> which need to be solved too.. better define all expectations asap!
>> To me this thread smells of needing the off-heap Direct Memory buffers
>> which I suggested [long time ago] to efficiently offload internal
>> buffers,
> ^ Hmmm, if we have a file based cache store is to provide data survival 
> beyond shutting down a machine or it crashing it (assuming no disk failure). 
> So, I can't see how this off-heap memory buffers help here? Unless you've got 
> it mapped to a file or something else?
>> but failing to recognise this we're pushing responsibility to
>> an epic level complex CacheStore.. guys let's not forget that a mayor
>> bottleneck of CacheStores today is the SPI it has to implement, we
>> identified several limitations in the contract in the past which
>> prevent a superior efficiency: we're working towards a mayor release
>> now so I'd rather focus on the API changes which will make it possible
>> to get decent performance even without changing any storage engine..
> If you haven't already done so, the place to suggest/comment on this is for 
> sure [1].
> [1] https://community.jboss.org/wiki/CacheLoaderAndCacheStoreSPIRedesign
>> I'm pretty sure Cassandra (to pick one) doesn't scale too bad.
> ^ Requires a separate process and much more complex to set up. Not really 
> what we're looking for a simple local cache store that you can use for 
> example for passivation EJB3 SFSBs or HTTP sessions.
>> Cheers,
>> Sanne
>> On 2 July 2013 10:09, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've written down this proposal for the implementation of new cache store.
>>> https://community.jboss.org/wiki/BrnoCacheStoreDesignProposal
>>> WDYT?
>>> Radim
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> | From: "Radim Vansa" <rva...@redhat.com>
>>> | To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org>
>>> | Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:37:43 PM
>>> | Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | ----- Original Message -----
>>> | | From: "Galder Zamarreño" <gal...@redhat.com>
>>> | | To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org>
>>> | | Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:52:11 PM
>>> | | Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> | |
>>> | | > As for Karsten's FCS implementation, I too have issues with the key 
>>> set
>>> | | > and
>>> | | > value offsets being solely in memory.  However I think that could be
>>> | | > improved by storing only a certain number of keys/offsets in memory, 
>>> and
>>> | | > flushing the rest to disk again into an index file.
>>> | |
>>> | | ^ Karsten's implementation makes this relatively easy to achieve 
>>> because it
>>> | | already keeps this mapping in a LinkedHashMap (with a given max entries
>>> | | limit [1]) assuming removeEldestEntry() is overriden to flush to disk 
>>> older
>>> | | entries. Some extra logic would be needed to bring back data from the 
>>> disk
>>> | | too… but your suggestion below is also quite interesting...
>>> |
>>> | I certainly wouldn't call this easy task, because the most problematic 
>>> part
>>> | is what we will do when the whole entry (both key and value) are gone from
>>> | memory and we want to read them - that requires keeping some searchable
>>> | structure on-disk. And that's the hard stuff.
>>> |
>>> | |
>>> | | > I believe LevelDB follows a similar design, but I think Karsten's FCS
>>> | | > will
>>> | | > perform better than LevelDB since it doesn't attempt to maintain a 
>>> sorted
>>> | | > structure on disk.
>>> | |
>>> | | ^ In-memory, the structure can optionally be ordered if it's bound [1],
>>> | | otherwise it's just a normal map. How would be store it at the disk 
>>> level?
>>> | | B+ tree with hashes of keys and then linked lists?
>>> |
>>> | Before choosing "I love B#@& trees, let's use B#@& trees!", I'd find out 
>>> what
>>> | requirements do we have for the structure. I believe that the index itself
>>> | should not be considered persistent, as it can be rebuilt when preloading
>>> | the data (sequentially reading the data is fast, therefore we can afford 
>>> do
>>> | this indexing preload), the reason of the index being on-disk is that we
>>> | don't have enough memory to store all keys, or even key hashes. Therefore 
>>> it
>>> | does not have to be updated synchronously with the writes. It should be
>>> | mostly read-optimized then, because that's the thing where we need
>>> | synchronous access to this structure.
>>> |
>>> | |
>>> | | > One approach to maintaining keys and offsets in memory could be a
>>> | | > WeakReference that points to the key stored in the in-memory
>>> | | > DataContainer.  Once evicted from the DC, then the CacheStore impl 
>>> would
>>> | | > need to fetch the key again from the index file before looking up the
>>> | | > value in the actual store.
>>> | |
>>> | | ^ Hmmm, interesting idea… has the potential to safe the memory space by 
>>> not
>>> | | having to keep that extra data structure in the cache store.
>>> |
>>> | You mean to mix the DataContainer with xCacheEntry implementation and the
>>> | cache store implementation? Is that possible from design perspective?
>>> | Speaking about different kind of references, we may even optimize
>>> | not-well-tuned eviction by SoftReferences, so that even if the entry was
>>> | evicted from main DataContainer, we'd keep the value referenced from the
>>> | cache-store (and this does not have to be loaded from disk if referenced
>>> | before garbage collection). But such thought may be premature 
>>> optimization.
>>> | For having eviction managed in relation with GC we should rather combine
>>> | this with PhantomReferences, where entries would be written to cache upon
>>> | finalization.
>>> |
>>> | |
>>> | | > This way we have hot items always in memory, semi-hot items with 
>>> offsets
>>> | | > in
>>> | | > memory and values on disk, and cold items needing to be read off disk
>>> | | > entirely (both offset and value).  Also for write-through and
>>> | | > write-behind, as long as the item is hot or warm (key and offset in
>>> | | > memory), writing will be pretty fast.
>>> | |
>>> | | My worry about Karsten's impl is writing actually. If you look at the 
>>> last
>>> | | performance numbers in [2], where we see the performance difference of
>>> | | force=true and force=false in Karsten's cache store compared with 
>>> LevelDB
>>> | | JNI, you see that force=false is fastest, then JNI LevelDB, and the
>>> | | force=true. Me wonders what kind of write guarantees LevelDB JNI 
>>> provides
>>> | | (and the JAVA version)...
>>> |
>>> | Just for clarification: the fast implementation is without force at all, 
>>> the
>>> | slower is with force(false). Force(true) means updating metadata (such as
>>> | access times?) which is not required for cache-store.
>>> | But the numbers suggest that the random access with syncing is really not 
>>> a
>>> | good option, and that we should rather use the temporary append-only log,
>>> | which would be persisted into structured DB by different thread (as 
>>> LevelDB
>>> | does, I suppose).
>>> |
>>> | Thinking about all the levels and cache structures optimizing the read
>>> | access, I can see four levels of search structures: key + value (usual
>>> | DataContainer), key + offset, hash + offset, all on disk. The "hash +
>>> | offset" may seem superflous but for some use-cases with big keys it may be
>>> | worth sparing a few disk look-ups.
>>> |
>>> | Radim
>>> |
>>> | | >
>>> | | > On 27 Jun 2013, at 10:33, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> | | >
>>> | | >> Oops, by the cache store I mean the previously-superfast
>>> | | >> KarstenFileCacheStore implementation.
>>> | | >>
>>> | | >> ----- Original Message -----
>>> | | >> | From: "Radim Vansa" <rva...@redhat.com>
>>> | | >> | To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org>
>>> | | >> | Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 11:30:53 AM
>>> | | >> | Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> | | >> |
>>> | | >> | I have added FileChannel.force(false) flushes after all write
>>> | | >> | operations
>>> | | >> | in
>>> | | >> | the cache store, and now the comparison is also updated with these
>>> | | >> | values.
>>> | | >> |
>>> | | >> | Radim
>>> | | >> |
>>> | | >> | ----- Original Message -----
>>> | | >> | | From: "Radim Vansa" <rva...@redhat.com>
>>> | | >> | | To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org>
>>> | | >> | | Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:54:25 AM
>>> | | >> | | Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> | | >> | |
>>> | | >> | | Yep, write-through. LevelDB JAVA used FileChannelTable
>>> | | >> | | implementation
>>> | | >> | | (-Dleveldb.mmap), because Mmaping is not implemented very well 
>>> and
>>> | | >> | | causes
>>> | | >> | | JVM crashes (I believe it's because of calling non-public API via
>>> | | >> | | reflection
>>> | | >> | | - I've found post from the Oracle JVM guys discouraging the
>>> | | >> | | particular
>>> | | >> | | trick
>>> | | >> | | it uses). After writing the record to the log, it calls
>>> | | >> | | FileChannel.force(true), therefore, it should be really on the 
>>> disc
>>> | | >> | | by
>>> | | >> | | that
>>> | | >> | | moment.
>>> | | >> | | I have not looked into the JNI implementation but I expect the 
>>> same.
>>> | | >> | |
>>> | | >> | | By the way, I have updated [1] with numbers when running on more
>>> | | >> | | data
>>> | | >> | | (2 GB
>>> | | >> | | instead of 100 MB). I won't retype it here, so look there. The
>>> | | >> | | performance
>>> | | >> | | is much lower.
>>> | | >> | | I may try also increase JVM heap size and try with a bit more 
>>> data
>>> | | >> | | yet.
>>> | | >> | |
>>> | | >> | | Radim
>>> | | >> | |
>>> | | >> | | [1] https://community.jboss.org/wiki/FileCacheStoreRedesign
>>> | | >> | |
>>> | | >> | | ----- Original Message -----
>>> | | >> | | | From: "Erik Salter" <an1...@hotmail.com>
>>> | | >> | | | To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org>
>>> | | >> | | | Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:40:19 PM
>>> | | >> | | | Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | These were write-through cache stores, right?  And with 
>>> LevelDB,
>>> | | >> | | | this was
>>> | | >> | | | through to the database file itself?
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Erik
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | -----Original Message-----
>>> | | >> | | | From: infinispan-dev-boun...@lists.jboss.org
>>> | | >> | | | [mailto:infinispan-dev-boun...@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of 
>>> Radim
>>> | | >> | | | Vansa
>>> | | >> | | | Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:24 AM
>>> | | >> | | | To: infinispan -Dev List
>>> | | >> | | | Subject: [infinispan-dev] Cachestores performance
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Hi all,
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | according to [1] I've created the comparison of performance in
>>> | | >> | | | stress-tests.
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | All setups used local-cache, benchmark was executed via 
>>> Radargun
>>> | | >> | | | (actually
>>> | | >> | | | version not merged into master yet [2]). I've used 4 nodes 
>>> just to
>>> | | >> | | | get
>>> | | >> | | | more
>>> | | >> | | | data - each slave was absolutely independent of the others.
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | First test was preloading performance - the cache started and
>>> | | >> | | | tried
>>> | | >> | | | to
>>> | | >> | | | load
>>> | | >> | | | 1GB of data from harddrive. Without cachestore the startup 
>>> takes
>>> | | >> | | | about 2
>>> | | >> | | | -
>>> | | >> | | | 4
>>> | | >> | | | seconds, average numbers for the cachestores are below:
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | FileCacheStore:        9.8 s
>>> | | >> | | | KarstenFileCacheStore:  14 s
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JAVA impl.:   12.3 s
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JNI impl.:    12.9 s
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | IMO nothing special, all times seem affordable. We don't 
>>> benchmark
>>> | | >> | | | exactly
>>> | | >> | | | storing the data into the cachestore, here FileCacheStore took
>>> | | >> | | | about
>>> | | >> | | | 44
>>> | | >> | | | minutes, while Karsten about 38 seconds, LevelDB-JAVA 4 minutes
>>> | | >> | | | and
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JNI 96 seconds. The units are right, it's minutes 
>>> compared
>>> | | >> | | | to
>>> | | >> | | | seconds. But we all know that FileCacheStore is bloody slow.
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Second test is stress test (5 minutes, preceded by 2 minute
>>> | | >> | | | warmup)
>>> | | >> | | | where
>>> | | >> | | | each of 10 threads works on 10k entries with 1kB values (~100 
>>> MB
>>> | | >> | | | in
>>> | | >> | | | total).
>>> | | >> | | | 20 % writes, 80 % reads, as usual. No eviction is configured,
>>> | | >> | | | therefore
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | cache-store works as a persistent storage only for case of 
>>> crash.
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | FileCacheStore:         3.1M reads/s   112 writes/s  // on one
>>> | | >> | | | node
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | performance was only 2.96M reads/s 75 writes/s
>>> | | >> | | | KarstenFileCacheStore:  9.2M reads/s  226k writes/s  // yikes!
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JAVA impl.:     3.9M reads/s  5100 writes/s
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JNI impl.:      6.6M reads/s   14k writes/s  // on one
>>> | | >> | | | node
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | performance was 3.9M/8.3k - about half of the others
>>> | | >> | | | Without cache store:   15.5M reads/s  4.4M writes/s
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Karsten implementation pretty rules here for two reasons. 
>>> First of
>>> | | >> | | | all,
>>> | | >> | | | it
>>> | | >> | | | does not flush the data (it calls only 
>>> RandomAccessFile.write()).
>>> | | >> | | | Other
>>> | | >> | | | cheat is that it stores in-memory the keys and offsets of data
>>> | | >> | | | values in
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | database file. Therefore, it's definitely the best choice for 
>>> this
>>> | | >> | | | scenario,
>>> | | >> | | | but it does not allow to scale the cache-store, especially in
>>> | | >> | | | cases
>>> | | >> | | | where
>>> | | >> | | | the keys are big and values small. However, this performance 
>>> boost
>>> | | >> | | | is
>>> | | >> | | | definitely worth checking - I could think of caching the disk
>>> | | >> | | | offsets in
>>> | | >> | | | memory and querying persistent index only in case of missing
>>> | | >> | | | record,
>>> | | >> | | | with
>>> | | >> | | | part of the persistent index flushed asynchronously (the index 
>>> can
>>> | | >> | | | be
>>> | | >> | | | always
>>> | | >> | | | rebuilt during the preloading for case of crash).
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | The third test should have tested the scenario with more data 
>>> to
>>> | | >> | | | be
>>> | | >> | | | stored
>>> | | >> | | | than memory - therefore, the stressors operated on 100k entries
>>> | | >> | | | (~100 MB
>>> | | >> | | | of
>>> | | >> | | | data) but eviction was set to 10k entries (9216 entries ended 
>>> up
>>> | | >> | | | in
>>> | | >> | | | memory
>>> | | >> | | | after the test has ended).
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | FileCacheStore:            750 reads/s         285 writes/s  //
>>> | | >> | | | one
>>> | | >> | | | node
>>> | | >> | | | had
>>> | | >> | | | only 524 reads and 213 writes per second
>>> | | >> | | | KarstenFileCacheStore:    458k reads/s        137k writes/s
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JAVA impl.:        21k reads/s          9k writes/s  
>>> // a
>>> | | >> | | | bit
>>> | | >> | | | varying
>>> | | >> | | | performance
>>> | | >> | | | LevelDB-JNI impl.:     13k-46k reads/s  6.6k-15.2k writes/s  //
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | performance varied a lot!
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | 100 MB of data is not much, but it takes so long to push it 
>>> into
>>> | | >> | | | FileCacheStore that I won't use more unless we exclude this 
>>> loser
>>> | | >> | | | from
>>> | | >> | | | the
>>> | | >> | | | comparison :)
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Radim
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | [1] https://community.jboss.org/wiki/FileCacheStoreRedesign
>>> | | >> | | | [2] https://github.com/rvansa/radargun/tree/t_keygen
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> | | >> | | | Radim Vansa
>>> | | >> | | | Quality Assurance Engineer
>>> | | >> | | | JBoss Datagrid
>>> | | >> | | | tel. +420532294559 ext. 62559
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | Red Hat Czech, s.r.o.
>>> | | >> | | | Brno, Purkyňova 99/71, PSČ 612 45
>>> | | >> | | | Czech Republic
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | |
>>> | | >> | | | _______________________________________________
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>>> | | >> | | | infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org
>>> | | >> | | | https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/infinispan-dev
>>> | | >> | | |
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>>> | | > --
>>> | | > Manik Surtani
>>> | | > ma...@jboss.org
>>> | | > twitter.com/maniksurtani
>>> | | >
>>> | | > Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid
>>> | | > http://red.ht/data-grid
>>> | | >
>>> | | >
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>>> | |
>>> | |
>>> | | --
>>> | | Galder Zamarreño
>>> | | gal...@redhat.com
>>> | | twitter.com/galderz
>>> | |
>>> | | Project Lead, Escalante
>>> | | http://escalante.io
>>> | |
>>> | | Engineer, Infinispan
>>> | | http://infinispan.org
>>> | |
>>> | |
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> --
> Galder Zamarreño
> gal...@redhat.com
> twitter.com/galderz
> Project Lead, Escalante
> http://escalante.io
> Engineer, Infinispan
> http://infinispan.org
> _______________________________________________
> infinispan-dev mailing list
> infinispan-dev@lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/infinispan-dev

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