Hi Dan

I am not speaking about changing something for the C++ client, I understand that the client code cannot be changed in order to keep the backward compatibility.

The current hash-wheel approach is working well, but there are few flaws that could be fixed keeping the client code untouched. Please, correct me if I am wrong.

1) The denormalization is executed for every client for every topology change/client join. I don't have any numbers, but calling the hashing algorithm million times per every such occasion sounds as wasting computing power. -> cache the denormalized stuff on server

2) The server is sending numOwners hashIds per segment, one for each owner. What's the reason for that? I think that only primary owners should be inserted there. This would: a) target all PUT requests to primary owner, reducing PUT latency and lowering the general load in cluster
b) reduce the routing information

And yes, ISPN-3530 and ISPN-3701 are pretty serious, but IMO rather orthogonal to the segment vs. hash wheel approach and its details.


On 12/11/2013 09:18 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:
Hi Radim

Actually, it's me that wrote the denormalization code :)

It was meant as a stop-gap measure before we upgraded the HotRod protocol to support the segment-based consistent hash, but the denormalization worked well enough (or so we thought) that we didn't get to changing the protocol yet.

That's not a big change in itself, but we also wanted to make the consistent hash per-cache on the client (it's now per-cache manager), and that's a bit more complicated to do. And it's not like it would have been a good idea to change this before starting the C++ client, the client would still have to support the current style of consistent hash.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com <mailto:rva...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    Hi Galder,

    as I am trying to debug some problem in C++ client, I was looking into
    the server code. And I am not sure whether I understand the code
    correctly, but it seems to me that the server denormalizes the
    consistent hash for each client anew (after each topology change or
    client joining). Is this true? Looking into trace logs, I can see

    18:15:17,339 TRACE [org.infinispan.server.hotrod.Encoders$Encoder12$]
    (HotRodServerWorker-12) Writing hash id 639767 for <>

     From denormalizeSegmentHashIds() method I see that this means that we
    have executed the hash function 639768 times just to notify one
    Is my understanding correct?

Yes, this happens every time a client joins and/or every time the cache topology changes.

We could easily cache the result of denormalizeSegmentHashIds, as it only depends on the number of segments. It's just that I wasn't expecting it to take so many iterations.

    Also, there is nothing like the concept of primary owner, is this

The client CH doesn't have a concept of backup owners. But for each (hash id, server) pair that gets sent to the client, it means all the hash codes between the previous hash id and this hash id have this server as the primary owner. The server in the next (hash id, server) pair is the first backup, and so on.

For each segment, the server generates numOwners (hash id, server) pairs. That means, for most of the hash codes in the segment, the list of owners on the client will be the same as the list of owners on the server. But for 0.0002 (leewayFraction) of the hash codes, the client primary owner will be indeed one of the server backup owners.

    I thought that every first request in HotRod will go to primary owner,
    so that the PUT does not have to do the first hop and is executed
    directly on the primary. But it seems to me that it goes to any of the
    owners (practically random one, as you are only looking for the
    ids in leeway = on the beginning of the range - then, 99.98% or more
    requests should go to the server with last position in the
    leeway). This
    looks pretty suboptimal for writes, isn't it?

I'm not sure what you mean here, but I'm pretty sure the request goes to the correct server because we have a test for it: ConsistentHashV1IntegrationTest




    PS: for every line of code you write in Scala, God kills a kitten

    Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com <mailto:rva...@redhat.com>>
    JBoss DataGrid QA

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Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
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