On Dec 6, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1) IMO, filtering for specific key is a very important use case. Registering 
> a filterId is a very powerful feature, but as long as you don't provide 
> runtime parameter for this filter, you cannot implement one-key filtering.

What do you mean by runtime parameter exactly? Can you give a concrete example 
of what you want to achieve that is not possible with what I've written up?

> 2) setting ack/no ack in listener, and then configuring server-wise whether 
> you should ack each / only last event sounds weird. I'd replace the boolean 
> with enum { NO_ACK, ACK_EACH, ACK_LAST }.

Makes a lot of sense, +1.

> 3) should the client provide source id when registering listener or when 
> starting RemoteCacheManager? No API for that.

Every operation will require a source ID from now on, so clients must provide 
it from first operation sent to the server. From a Java client perspective, 
you'd have this from the start via the configuration.

> 4) clustered events design does not specify any means to replicating the 
> clustered event listener - all it does is that you register the listener on 
> one node and the other nodes then route events to this node, until the node 
> dies/deregisters the listener. No replication. Please specify, how should it 
> piggyback on clustered events, and how should the listener list be replicated.

In clustered listeners, the other nodes you talk about are gonna need to know 
about the clustered listeners so that they route events. Some kind of 
information about these clustered listeners will need to be sent around the 
cluster. The exact details are probably implementation details but we have a 
clustered registry already in place for this kind of things. In any case, it'd 
make a lot of sense that both use cases reuse as much as logic in this area.

> 5) non-acked events: how exactly do you expect the ack data to be replicated, 
> and updated? I see three options:
> A) Let non-acked list be a part of the listener record in replicated cache, 
> and the primary owner which executes the event should update these via delta 
> messages. I guess for proper reliability it should add operation record 
> synchronously before confirming the operation to the originator, and then it 
> might asynchronously remove it after the ack from client. When a node becomes 
> primary owner, it should send events to client for all non-acked events.
> B) Having the non-acked list attached directly to cache entry (updating it 
> together with regular backup), and then asynchronously updating the non-ack 
> list after ack comes
> C) Separate cache for acks by entry keys, similar to B, consistent hash 
> synced with the main entry cache

Definitely not B. I don't wanna tie the internal cache entry to the ACKs. The 
two should be independent. Either C or A. For C, you'd wished to have a single 
cache for all listeners+caches, but you'd have to think about the keys and to 
have the same consistent hash, you'd have to have same keys. A might be better, 
but you certainly don't want this ACK info in a replicated structure. You'd 
want ACKs in a distributed cache preferably, and clustered listener info in the 
clustered replicated registry.


> Radim
> On 12/05/2013 05:16 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Re: https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Remote-Hot-Rod-Events
>> Thanks a lot for the feedback provided in last thread. It was very 
>> constructive feedback :)
>> I've just finished updating the design document with the feedback provided 
>> in the previous email thread. Can you please have another read and let the 
>> list know what you think of it?
>> Side note: The scope has got bigger (with the addition of 
>> filters/converters), so we might need to consider whether we want all 
>> features in next version, or whether some parts could be branched out to 
>> next iterations.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Galder Zamarreño
>> gal...@redhat.com
>> twitter.com/galderz
>> Project Lead, Escalante
>> http://escalante.io
>> Engineer, Infinispan
>> http://infinispan.org
> -- 
> Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
> JBoss DataGrid QA

Galder Zamarreño

Project Lead, Escalante

Engineer, Infinispan

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