On Feb 3, 2014, at 6:24 PM, Galder Zamarreño <gal...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Not sure I understand the need to compare this.
> JBMAR and ProtoStream are solving different problems. The former is focused 
> on getting the best out of Java persistence. The latter is focused on 
> serializing stuff in a plattform independent way.
> IMO, it’s not an apples to apples comparison.

AFAIK the only thing JBMAR does and proto doesn't is tracking circular 
references: e.g. person has a reference to address which has a reference to the 
same person instance. That comes at a performance cost (I guess an 
IdentityMapLookup per serialized object), though and for many users tracking 
circular dependencies is not needed, because of their data model. My 
expectation is that ISPN+protostram will be faster than ISPN+JBMAR because:
- protostream doesn't track circular references (AFAIK this is something that 
can be disabled in JBMAR as well)
- protostream allows for partial deserialization, that is only deserialize a 
specific attribute of a class

On top of that, it is platform independent, so if you start using it as the 
default serialization format, it will be easier for you to use ISPN from 
multiple platforms.

The drawback protostream has over JBMAR is that it requires one to define, 
besides the serialized, a protofile. Las time we discussed, Adrian had some 
ideas on how that can be circumvented, though.

IMO, in certain deployments makes sense to use protostream over JBMAR even when 
serializing only java objects and this benchmark would be a good tool to 
validate that.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)

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