On Mon 2014-02-10 17:54, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> last week I developed a simple application using Remote Query, and ran 
> into a few issues. Some of them are just technical hurdles, while others 
> have to do with the complexity of the developer experience. Here they 
> are for open discussion:
> - the schemas registry should be persistent. Alternatively being able to 
> either specify the ProtoBuf schema from the <indexing /> configuration 
> in the server subsystem or use server's deployment processor to "deploy" 
> schemas.
> - the server should store the single protobuf source schemas to allow 
> for easy inspection/update of each using our management tools. The 
> server itself should then compile the protobuf schemas into the binary 
> representation when any of the source schemas changes. This would 
> require a Java implementation of the ProtoBuf schema compiler, which 
> wouldn't probably be too hard to do with Antlr.
> - we need to be able to annotate single protobuf fields for indexing 
> (probably by using specially-formatted comments, a la doclets) to avoid 
> indexing all of the fields
> - since remote query is already imbued with JPA in some form, an 
> interesting project would be to implement a JPA annotation processor 
> which can produce a set of ProtoBuf schemas from JPA-annotated classes.
> - on top of the above, a ProtoBuf marshaller/unmarshaller which can use 
> the JPA entities directly.

I already argued in the last few weeks in the same vein but to me
reusing JPA's metadata or API and support 15% of it is going to be
misleading and confusing for the user. Plus it's Java only.

But I agree that by making things use a hand written hard schema we make
things suck equally for all client platforms :)

> Tristan
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