On Sep 23, 2014, at 16:27, Emmanuel Bernard <emman...@hibernate.org> wrote:

> On 23 Sep 2014, at 14:53, Mircea Markus <mmar...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 23, 2014, at 15:18, Emmanuel Bernard <emman...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>> I am not sold on this as it seems pretty trivial to decipher which
>>>> operation is which and the information would be present on the
>>>> javadocs as well.
>>> I very strongly disagree. Cf the other thread with Radim 's comment on 
>>> topology error. 
>>> And think about *future* evolutions. The enum would make that much safer. 
>>> In the bin enum world you would have to introduce a new 
>>> YetAnotherKeyValueFilter interface :)
>> Nicer than an enum would be an explicit method, e.g. 
>> handlePut/handleDelete/handleCreate/handleUpdate, as these would also 
>> receive the appropriate param list. Of course this means moving away from 
>> the KeyValueFilter to an UpdateFilter (good name, Radim) used only for 
>> cluster listeners. 
>> Will, what would be the overall impact on the A
> If you do that you must also provide an abstract class with default noop 
> operations that filter implementations would extend. Otherwise you are back 
> with backward compatibility problems.

KeyValueFilter was introduced in 7.0, or other backward compatibility problem 
you have in mind?

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)

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