
@Galder, no I didn't. I will take a look.

I was not aware of the ManagedBlocker interface but it fits on our 
problem. The best thing would be if we execute the local and remote 
operations on the F/J pool so I could wrap all the blocking invocations 
in ManagedBlocker without having to check if the operation is local or 
not... but that is subject for another topic :)

Thanks for pointing it.


On 11/13/2014 01:08 PM, William Burns wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Dan Berindei <dan.berin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Radim, I also knew the 1.7 ForkJoinPool isn't really optimized for blocking
>> tasks, but the ManagedBlocker interface mentioned in [3] seems to be
>> intended just for that.
> I was actually writing this same thing about ManagedBlocker instance
> in the fork join thread for operations that will block (acquiring
> locks - RPC etc.)  The cool thing is that it then creates another
> thread to try to keep CPU utilization higher and then after the
> blocking is done it removes the next idle thread.  Also it is in Java
> 7 as well, your comment seemed a bit ambiguous as to whether or not
> you were saying it wasn't.
>> Re: commonPool(), we can (and should) still create our own ForkJoinPool
>> instead of using the global one.
> I am not familiar with this issue, but if true sounds like an issue
> with ForkJoinPool implementation that we should log to the JDK.
> I haven't been able to dig into the code underneath but it sounded
> like from the Javadoc that the common pool would eventually shut down
> the worker threads after inactivity which should free the additional
> references.  "Using the common pool normally reduces resource usage
> (its threads are slowly reclaimed during periods of non-use, and
> reinstated upon subsequent use)."
>> Cheers
>> Dan
>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> F/J tasks should not acquire any locks (or, generally, block) during
>>> their execution. At least according to JavaDocs. Are we ready for that?
>>> Btw., I really don't like the fact that the commonPool() cannot be
>>> properly shutdown. This leads to threadlocal variables leaking when the
>>> component using F/J pool is undeployed (the classloader cannot be GCed
>>> and you end up with OOME in PermGen space).
>>> Radim
>>> On 11/13/2014 08:28 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>>>> @Pedro, did you consider using a ForkJoinPool instead?
>>>> Traditional JDK pools are known to be very hard to configure and get it
>>>> “right”. Fork join pools are being used as default thread pools in other
>>>> libraries, vastly reducing configuration.
>>>> Jessitron has published some interesting blog posts on the advantages of
>>>> traditional ExecutorService vs Fork/Join pools and viceversa. See [1] and
>>>> [3]. She also did a talk on it, see [4].
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> p.s. I’ve not studied your use case in depth to decide whether F/J would
>>>> suite better, but it’s certainly worth a look now that we’re on Java 7.
>>>> [1]
>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool.html
>>>> [2] http://blog.jessitron.com/2014/01/choosing-executorservice.html
>>>> [3]
>>>> http://blog.jessitron.com/2014/02/scala-global-executioncontext-makes.html
>>>> [4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhguOt863nw
>>>> On 07 Nov 2014, at 09:31, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Btw., have you ever considered checks if a thread returns to pool
>>>>> reasonably often? Some of the other datagrids use this, though there's
>>>>> not much how to react upon that beyond printing out stack traces (but
>>>>> you can at least report to management that some node seems to be
>>>>> broken).
>>>>> Radim
>>>>> On 11/07/2014 08:35 AM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>> That's exactly what I suggested. No config gives you a shared global
>>>>>> thread pool for all caches.
>>>>>> Those caches which need a separate pool can do that via configuration
>>>>>> (and of course also programmatically)
>>>>>> On 06/11/14 20:31, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
>>>>>>> My opinion is that we should aim for less configuration, i.e.
>>>>>>> threadpools should mostly have sensible defaults and be shared by
>>>>>>> default unless there are extremely good reasons for not doing so.
>>>>>>> Tristan
>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 19:40, Radim Vansa wrote:
>>>>>>>> I second the opinion that any threadpools should be shared by
>>>>>>>> default.
>>>>>>>> There are users who have hundreds or thousands of caches and having
>>>>>>>> separate threadpool for each of them could easily drain resources.
>>>>>>>> And
>>>>>>>> sharing resources is the purpose of threadpools, right?
>>>>>>>> Radim
>>>>>>>> On 11/06/2014 04:37 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>>>>> #1 I would by default have 1 thread pool shared by all caches
>>>>>>>>> #2 This global thread pool should be configurable, perhaps in the
>>>>>>>>> <global> section ?
>>>>>>>>> #3 Each cache by default uses the gobal thread pool
>>>>>>>>> #4 A cache can define its own thread pool, then it would use this
>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>> and not the global thread pool
>>>>>>>>> I think this gives you a mixture between ease of use and
>>>>>>>>> flexibility in
>>>>>>>>> configuring pool per cache if needed
>>>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 16:23, Pedro Ruivo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 11/06/2014 03:01 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 15:36, Pedro Ruivo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> * added a single thread remote executor service. This will
>>>>>>>>>>>> handle the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FIFO deliver commands. Previously, they were handled by JGroups
>>>>>>>>>>>> incoming
>>>>>>>>>>>> threads and with a new executor service, each cache can process
>>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>>> own FIFO commands concurrently.
>>>>>>>>>>> +1000. This allows multiple updates from the same sender but to
>>>>>>>>>>> different caches to be executed in parallel, and will speed thing
>>>>>>>>>>> up.
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you intend to share a thread pool between the invocations
>>>>>>>>>>> handlers of
>>>>>>>>>>> the various caches, or do they each have their own thread pool ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Or is
>>>>>>>>>>> this configurable ?
>>>>>>>>>> That is question that cross my mind and I don't have any idea what
>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>> be the best. So, for now, I will leave the thread pool shared
>>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>>> the handlers.
>>>>>>>>>> Never thought to make it configurable, but maybe that is the best
>>>>>>>>>> option. And maybe, it should be possible to have different
>>>>>>>>>> max-thread
>>>>>>>>>> size per cache. For example:
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will share the same
>>>>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>>>>> <remote-executor name="shared" shared="true" max-threads=4.../>
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will create their own
>>>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>>>> pool with max-threads equals to 1
>>>>>>>>>> <remote-executor name="low-throughput-cache" shared="false"
>>>>>>>>>> max-threads=1 .../>
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will create their own
>>>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>>>> pool with max-threads equals to 1000
>>>>>>>>>> <remote executor name="high-throughput-cache" shared="false"
>>>>>>>>>> max-thread=1000 .../>
>>>>>>>>>> is this what you have in mind? comments?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Pedro
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
>>>>> JBoss DataGrid QA
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>>>> --
>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>> gal...@redhat.com
>>>> twitter.com/galderz
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>>> --
>>> Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
>>> JBoss DataGrid QA
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