Hi Radim

Please make sure you reply in plain text mode, the replies got a bit mixed up.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/24/2014 12:44 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:
> Hi Radim
>> First of all, I don't think this is feasible. For example, read-committed vs 
>> repeatable read changes how the entries are stored in the transaction 
>> context, so you can't have a repeatable-read get() in the same transaction 
>> after a read-committed get. Write skew check also requires versions, so you 
>> couldn't skip updating the version in any optimistic cache just in case some 
>> transaction might need it in the future.
> The isolation level is a property of transaction, not single operation: you 
> should specify this ahead in the transactional context before doing any 
> operations (I would imagine API like 
> AdvancedCache.getTxCache(LockingMode.OPTIMISTIC, 
> IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ)).

How would you handle something like this?

public void someMethod() {
  txCache = manager.getCache().getTxCache(LockingMode.OPTIMISTIC,
  txCache.put("k1", "v1");

public void anotherMethod() {
  nontxCache = manager.getCache().getNonTxCache();
  nontxCache.put("k2", "v2");

>> We also can't mix non-transactional, transactional asynchronous, and 
>> transactional synchronous operations on the same cache, as they would break 
>> each other's consistency. In fact, Infinispan 4.x allowed both transactional 
>> and non-transactional operations on the same cache, but at some point we 
>> realized that there's no way to ensure the consistency of transactions if 
>> there are overlapping with non-transactional operations.
> Just out of curiosity - Hazelcast allows mixing transactional and 
> non-transactional code, do you know how they do it? Coherence has also all 
> transactions API-wise (but I was not able to get them working). But I agree 
> that allowing both tx and non-tx operations could complicate things a lot 
> (the number of cases that need to be designed and tested grows exponentially 
> with each option).

I suspect they use the same locking + replication strategy for non-tx
caches as they use for tx caches, just without the link to an external
transaction. I wish we would do the same, but I'm not sure we could
keep the performance as good as the actual non-tx performance.

>> I agree that the configuration is very tightly coupled with the code that 
>> uses it, so settings that can break the application should be more obvious. 
>> We should discuss how we can improve this at the clustering meeting in 
>> Berlin.
>> But I think forgetting to add a flag in some part of the application is just 
>> as likely as the administrator making a mistake in the configuration, and 
>> having different consistency models in the same cache can also make code 
>> harder to understand. So instead of allowing flags to control consistency, I 
>> would rather add methods for the user to assert that the cache has certain 
>> properties.
> IMO the probability that two people (programmer who did not write 
> documentation and administrator who did not read the code) make a mistake 
> because of configuration is still larger than the one of single person.

Who said there's only one programmer? :)

Even if there is a single person writing (or reading) the code, I
think it's better to have a single place where you can look and see
how a cache is expected to behave instead of having to check all the
places where that cache is used. And a paranoid programmer can protect
himself from the administrator by configuring the cache

> Thanks for comments
> Radim
> Cheers
> Dan
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when thinking about strong/eventual consistency and ease of
>> configuration, I was considering whether cache configuration should
>> affect results of operations at all (one example could be read
>> committed/repeatable read, or write skew check).
>> It would seem to me that the configuration would be simpler, and user
>> options more rich if those options that change the result of operation
>> would be purely API-wise (based on flags or method arguments) and the
>> configuration could only change the performance (defining cache store
>> will slow down some operations) or availability of these operations (you
>> cannot start a transaction when the manager is not defined), not the
>> outcome.
>> E.g. is there really a point to be able to change sync/async
>> configuration of the cache when the code expects strong consistency? If
>> it can handle that, it should grab cache.withFlags(FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS)
>> and work on that.
>> Another example is in the strong/eventual consistency - if I want to see
>> the cache as strongly consistent, I can't read from backup owners [1].
>> Currently there is no option to force reading from primary owner,
>> therefore, I was wondering whether it should be configurable (together
>> with staggered gets policy - not that this would be implemented) or
>> whether that should be specified as a flag - and it seems to me that it
>> should not be configurable as the administrator could remove the flag
>> from the config (and see increased performance) but eventually a race
>> could occur where this flag matters and the application will behave
>> incorrectly.
>> WDYT? This question is obviously rather for changes on the roadmap (I'd
>> say along with leaving ConcurrentMap interface) than any immediate
>> actions in versions 7.x or 8.x.
>> Radim
>> [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-4995
>> --
>> Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
>> JBoss DataGrid QA
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> Radim Vansa <rva...@redhat.com>
> JBoss DataGrid QA
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