OK, then we're on the same page, just wanted to verify. Re the design 
doc wrt interceptors, contact Radim

On 20/03/15 10:18, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>> On 14 Mar 2015, at 09:39, Bela Ban <b...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi Galder,
>> apologies for the long reply !
> Haha, it's still sorter than my proposal, so not too bad :)
>> imo the value of Java 8 is:
>> #1 Reduction of implementation code (streams and internal iteration)
>> #2 Making some of the APIs simpler, e.g. distributed executors, map-reduce
>> #3 Reactive programming, e.g. interceptor chain (discussed in Berlin),
>> non-blocking behavior; the goal being to reduce the number of threads
>> required.
> I've heard a lot about ^, looking forward to seeing design doc.
> I was discussing Java 8 API with others while you were having this discussion.
>> However, changing the entire Cache API is going too far atm. Now that
>> we've finally provided a Cache/JSR107 API, people are familiar with it
>> and I would not change it, at least not right now.
> You are missing essence of the proposal:
> There's no unique way in which people want to access a Cache. Some people 
> want to use ConcurrentMap, others want to use JSR-107 Cache API,  others 
> might want to use Infinispan 7 Cache API, others just want to store data and 
> run map/reduce jobs...
> I'm not suggesting that we change the entire Cache API. What I'm suggesting 
> is this: Java 8 allows us the vast majority of caching use cases to be 
> distilled into a reduced, flexible API, which can be the foundation for the 
> facade's that we offer.
> IOW, we're not forcing anyone to use the new Cache API. If you want, you can, 
> but the vast majority of users will use APIs they know (JSR-107, 
> java.util.concurrent).
> It's about choice, not about having a new main API. IOW, use whatever API you 
> want, but if youw want flexibility, we have something for you that will allow 
> you to build more interesting data structures on top of this functional cache 
> API.
>> If we're able to use reactive programming (e.g. your eval() function)
>> *under the cover*, then all the better.
>> If your proposal is about providing FunctionalCache and implementing
>> Cache and JSR 107 Cache with it, then you have my +1. But IMO
>> FunctionalCache should not be the main API.
> ^ You're getting main point but you are wrongly believing that I want 
> Functional Cache to be the main API.
> Functional Cache will offer the basis to provide whatever API you want, but 
> it should never be the first choice for users to use.
> IMO, the users of Functional Cache would be advanced users that say, want to 
> build a distributed queue on top of Infinispan.
> There should not be a main API going forward, but choice: JSR-107 API, 
> java.util.concurrent...,etc
>> Compare FunctionalCache.eval() to ioctl() for a moment: of course, every
>> access to a file system can be implemented via ioctl(), but people like
>> the simplicity of write(), read(), stat() etc.
>> So providing eval() *only* shifts the burden of implementation to the
>> user. But I agree that perhaps it's a good thing to expose
>> FunctionalCache so power users (e.g. Sanne :-)) can use it directly to
>> implement functionality not provided by Cache.
> +1000, that's precisely the vision I have, but again Functional Cache is not 
> forced on them.
>> Being able to switch to Java 8 doesn't imply we have to use all of its
>> new features.
> Totally.
>> Let me address your proposal step by step.
>> "What's wrong with the Infinispan Cache API?"
>> --------------------------------------
>> - Nothing !
>> - I can't follow your argument as to why Cache is bad. This is the
>> premise to your proposal and it needs to be very clear !
>> - JSR 107 came up with a similar API. So if we have to change Cache,
>> then I'd +1 a change to JSR 107 as main API
>> - I don't see why it's difficult to add new operations: distributed
>> queues should be a separate API anyway, and not extend Cache ! We should
>> use CacheManager to get a new DistributedQueue, as we do to get a new
>> Cache...
> ^ Right, I think all this section needs to be rewritten to avoid confusion.
>> "How does Java 8 improve on this?"
>> ------------------------------
>> - Passing serialized lambdas around sounds awfully familiar: it's the
>> old 'agent-based programming' paradigm fashionable before the turn of
>> the millenium. Instead of invoking RPCs which carry data on P, code
>> (also carrying data) is shipped to P and executed there and the result
>> sent back to the invoker. (Disclaimer: I wrote such a system myself with
>> GOMScript... :-().
>> I'm not saying this is bad, but we have to make sure that
>> (a) Infinispan benefits from this either in code reduction /
>> maintainability / code simplification
>> (b) performance doesn't decrease
> ^ +1, performance at least for the most critical operations, e.g. put/get, 
> needs to be at least on par.
>> "Proposal"
>> ---------
>> - Returning a CompletableFuture is a good idea: +1
>> - I think this is where the main value of your proposal lies: being able
>> to chain functions (lambdas) together, that are invoked turn-by-turn,
>> possibly by different threads, without a caller having to block
>> - The F.invoke(G).andThenInvoke(H).andThenInvoke(I) pattern (where F is
>> a future and G,H,I are lambdas) is very valuable to implement
>> non-blocking behavior: whenever a function (lambda) has to block, it
>> registers a function with the blocking resource that's called upon
>> unblocking and the thread terminates and is added back to the thread pool
>> - Blocking can be waiting to read from the file system or network, or
>> trying to acquire a lock etc
>> - As was discussed in Berlin, the interceptor chain could be rewritten
>> using CompletableFutures (or sth similar).
> ^ Yeah, there's a lot of value to be added in this area.
> I was very pleased to hear about the CompletableFuture based interceptor 
> chain discussion because I thought it'd fit perfectly with the direction of 
> the functional cache API.
>> Summary
>> --------
>> I'd not make FunctionalCache the main API and I'd definitely not
>> deprecate Cache.
> Ok, maybe we won't deprecate Infinispan Cache but we'll definitely won't add 
> anything extra there. It's way too ovebloated IMO.
>> +1 on providing FunctionalCache as a (parent) interface to Cache, so
>> power users can use FunctionalCache if needed.
>> +1 on implementing Cache and JSR 107 Cache with FunctionalCache.
>> This should only be done if:
>> - Performance remains at least as good as it is now [mandatory]
>> - Maintainability increases [nice]
>> - Code reduction [nice]
>> My 5 cents
> +1 to all those.
> Thanks Bela for the feedback!
>> On 13/03/15 09:10, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We're starting to work on some prototypes for the Java 8 API coming up in 
>>> Infinispan 8.
>>> I've written a design wiki for a replacement of our main embedded Cache 
>>> interface that takes advantage of Java 8 improvements:
>>> https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Java-8-API-proposal
>>> It'd be great to hear your thoughts.
>>> Proposals for Java 8 versions for cache manager, remote cache and other 
>>> external APIs are yet TBD.
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>> gal...@redhat.com
>> --
>> Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)
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>> infinispan-dev mailing list
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> --
> Galder Zamarreño
> gal...@redhat.com
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> infinispan-dev mailing list
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