Is the marshalling comparison really fair? The lambda-table-based 
approach removes the need for serializing the class definition, but in 
practice - is the class definition always send around with each RPC? If 
it is so, it seems like a serious flaw of the current codebase, and not 
something occurring only for the functional interface. In case that we 
keep the marshallers around, we should marshall second RPC (with the 
same lambda and another instance of the same captured class), and look 
on the diff rather than on the first serialized instance.


On 06/05/2015 11:44 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks to all who contributed to the 1st draft revision. We've taken all that 
> input and created a separate Github project where we have prototytped the 2nd 
> draft of the advanced Java 8 based Infinispan API. The starting point for you 
> should be FunctionalMap [1].
> Here's a brief summary the major changes since the 1st draft:
> 1. FunctionalMap has been separated into 3 sub-interfaces, one for read only 
> operations, one for write only operations, and a final one for read-write 
> operations. This separation makes it clear the purpouse of each operation and 
> adds a nice layer of type safety, e.g. you can't write with a read-only map, 
> or you can't read with a write-only map.
> 2. Param has been added, which is equivalent to Infinispan Flag with the 
> added benefit that it can carry values. There's no such example right now but 
> we could have in the future.
> 3. MetaParam has been added. This is a much more flexible and extensible 
> option compared to the current Infinispan's Metadata.
> 4. For operations returning mutiple returns, or working on multiple elements, 
> we've exposed something called Traversable, which is a subset of Java's 
> Stream. See its javadoc to find out more. Kudos to Will for his work on 
> distributed streams which has helped hugely with the design of Traversable.
> 5. Listeners have been added, again separating between read-write and 
> write-only listeners (JCache does not offer read-only listeners, e.g. cache 
> entry visited, and hence I think we'll drop our cache entry visited listener 
> at some point).
> 6. Will and I have explored marshalling aspects of lambdas, and there are 
> some interesting ways to reduce their costs by +90%! See MarshallingTest for 
> different options to marshall both capturing and non-capturing lambdas and 
> their cost in terms of payload sizes.
> Some final notes:
> * Please do read the javadocs, they contain a lot of information on the 
> reasons behind the design.
> * To find out how the different functional map variants are used, look at 
> ConcurrentMapDecorator and JCacheDecorator who use them to implement the 
> ConcurrentMap and javax.cache.Cache APIs respectively.
> * FunctionalMapTest contains examples on how to use functional map variants 
> for other operations which we deeply care about, e.g. Hot Rod atomic 
> version-based replace function.
> Special thanks to Mario Fusco (Java 8 In Action book co-author) for his 
> feedback throughout this 2nd draft design process.
> Cheers,
> [1] 
> --
> Galder Zamarreño
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