Hi all,

As I write the Javascript client for Hot Rod, and Vittorio writes the C++ 
client, the question the encoding of the byte arrays has popped up.

The reason why encoding matters is mainly because of compatibility mode. How 
does a Hot Rod client know how it should transform something a REST client set?

To be able to answer this question correctly, the Hot Rod client needs to know 
the type of the data.

Although we could consider adding encoding information to the Hot Rod protocol 
long term, in the short term this question might already been answered by 

Protostream based marshaller adds encoding to the byte arrays by adding 
information of what the type of that is written, whether raw type or complex. 
Protostream is based around Protobuf which works well as medium for 
compatibility mode.

So, in essence, if we want get different clients working together, the simplest 
thing to do is to implement the Protostream marshaller in each client lang, and 
they should work together without probs. 

This option has the downside that by limiting our compatibility marshalling to 
Protostream, how would a standard REST client would understand this format? 
They'd need to have a way to understand Protostream...

Another option would be to setlle on UTF-8 String as compatibility medium and 
get the languages to convert types into JSON UTF-8 String. I think this would 
work better for REST-based clients. Also, AFAIK protobuf objects can be 
transformed into JSON, so if there's already a protostream marshaller 
available, that can be used to transform to JSON.

Down the line we might want to add encoding to Hot Rod or switch to a 
technology where encoding is sorted out for us, e.g. HTTP-based protocols...


Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat

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