To put some context, that's a very unfavorable query for Lucene (sort by
data other than score, retrieve all the data set).

On Mon 16-10-24 17:42, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>Hi all,
>at our last meeting we had some chats about heap usage at runtime.
>I wasn't actually investigating this, but since I was running some
>tests now I thought it was interesting to share the following figures
>about the Hibernate Search / Lucene query engine.
># Index size
>My test is running with an off-heap index of about 5 million entries,
>which translates to about 170MB of disk space.
># Query type
>We're running a large query which matches every single one of the 5
>million entries, and sorting the results on a Float property.
># TLAB usage
>Running such a query takes 2.78 MB of TLAB; this data is never
>promoted so it's "cheap" to collect as there's no much interaction
>with other threads.
># Beyond TLAB
>Allocating zero bytes ;)
>In terms of memory usage this looks quite good; kudos to the Lucene
>team of course as they do the heavy lifting, but I'm proud of the
>Hibernate Search team as well as we don't add significant overhead.
>We still have some work to do, as while memory looks good the sorting
>on Floats is still very heavy.. but we'll figure it out.
>Looking forward to see similar metrics from get/put tests on Infinispan ;-)
>N.B. this is an "off heap" index, but even if I use an "on heap"
>index, above figures are pretty much the same, and the performance
>doesn't get higher, but slower.
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