Btw, thanks Anna for working on this!

I've had a look at the list and I have some questions:

* HotRodAsyncReplicationTest: I don't think it should be a client TCK test. 
There's nothing the client does differently compared to executing against a 
sync repl cache. If anything, it's a server TCK test since it verifies that a 
put sent by a HR client gets replicated. The same applies to all the test of 
local vs REPl vs DIST tests.

* LockingTest: same story, this is a client+server integration test, I don't 
think it's a client TCK test. If anything, it's a server TCK test. It verifies 
that if a client sends a put, the entry is locked.

* MixedExpiry*Test: it's dependant on the server configuration, not really a 
client TCK test IMO. I think the only client TCK tests that deal with expiry 
should only verify that the entry is expirable if the client decides to make it 

* ClientListenerRemoveOnStopTest: Not sure this is a client TCK test. Yeah, it 
verifies that the client removes its listeners on stop, but it's not a Hot Rod 
protocol TCK test. Going back to what Radim said, how are you going to verify 
each client does this? What we can verify for all clients easily is they send 
the commands to remove the client servers to the server. Maybe for these and 
below client specific logic related tests, as Martin suggesteds, we go with the 
approach of just verifying that tests exist.

* Protobuf marshaller tests: client specific and testing client-side 
marshalling logic. Same reasons above.

* Near caching tests: client specific and testing client-side near caching 
logic. Same issues above.

* Topology change tests: I consider these TCK tests cos you could think that if 
the server sends a new topology, the client's next command should have the ID 
of this topology in its header.

* Failover/Retry tests: client specific and testing client-side retry logic. 
Same issues above, how do you verify it works accross the board for all clients?

* Socket timeout tests: again these are client specific...

I think in general it'd be a good idea to try to verify somehow most of the TCK 
via some server-side logic, as Radim hinted, and where that's not possible, 
revert to just verifying the client has tests to cover certain scenarios.

Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat

> On 11 Apr 2017, at 14:33, Martin Gencur <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> we have been working on
> Anna has finished the first step from the JIRA - collecting information 
> about tests in the Java HotRod client test suite (including server 
> integration tests) and it is now prepared for wider review.
> She created a spreadsheet [1]. The spread sheet includes for each Java 
> test its name, the suggested target package in the TCK, whether to 
> include it in the TCK or not, and some other notes. The suggested 
> package also poses grouping for the tests (e.g. tck.query, tck.near, 
> tck.xsite, ...)
> Let me add that right now the goal is not to create a true TCK [2]. The 
> goal is to make sure that all implementations of the HotRod protocol 
> have sufficient test coverage and possibly the same server side of the 
> client-server test (including the server version and configuration).
> What are the next step?
> * Please review the list (at least a quick look) and see if some of the 
> tests which are NOT suggested for the TCK should be added or vice versa.
> * I suppose the next step would then be to check other implementations 
> (C#, C++, NodeJS, ..) and identify tests which are missing there (there 
> will surely be some).
> * Gradually implement the missing tests in the other implementations
>   Note: Here we should ensure that the server is configured in the same 
> way for all implementations. One way to achieve this (thanks Anna for 
> suggestion!) is to have a shell/batch scripts for CLI which would be 
> executed before the tests. This can probably be done for all impls. and 
> both UNIX/WINDOWS. I also realize that my PR for ISPN [3] becomes 
> useless because it uses Creaper (Java) and we need a language-neutral 
> solution for configuring the server.
> Some other notes:
> * there are some duplicated tests in hotrod-client and server 
> integration test suites, in this case it probably makes sense to only 
> include in the TCK the server integration test
> * tests from the hotrod-client module which are supposed to be part of 
> the TCK should be copied to the server integration test suite one day 
> (possibly later)
> Please let us know what you think.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3]
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