Hey guys,

I'm receiving more and more queries about this solution so I marked [1] for
9.1.0.Beta1 milestone.

Please let me know if that's NOT ok [3] :)


[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/5164
[2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/milestone/78
[3] Just checking Sanne's and Will's spam filters :)

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 9:09 AM Sebastian Laskawiec <slask...@redhat.com>

> I'm calm!! I'm calm!!
> [image: pasted1]
> Being serious now, no offence taken and thanks for clarification Sanne.
> Next time I'll just publish some percentage difference which will probably
> express better what I want to tell. And if you see anything wrong with the
> test methodology that could influence the relation between those tests,
> just let me know.
> Don't you think guys we should have a reference OpenShift/Kubernetes
> environment for testing (minikube/minishift are great but it's always "it
> works on my machine" type of thing)? I expect there will be more and more
> discussions around cloud topics. If you are interested in this, please let
> me know off-list. I will try to arrange something.
> Thanks,
> Sebastian
> On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 4:49 AM Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org>
> wrote:
>> On 31 May 2017 at 17:48, Galder Zamarreño <gal...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > Cool down peoples!
>> >
>> > http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35ovcy
>> >
>> > Sebastian, don't think Sanne was being rude, he's just blunt and we
>> need his bluntness :)
>> >
>> > Sanne, be nice to Sebastian and get him a beer next time around ;)
>> Hey, he started it! His email was formatted with HTML !? ;)
>> But seriously, I didn't mean to be rude or disrespectful; if it comes
>> across like that I'm sorry. FWIW the answers seemed cool to me too.
>> Let me actually clarify that I love the attitude of Sebastian to try
>> the various approaches and get with some measurements to help with
>> important design decisions. It's good that we spend some time
>> evaluating the alternatives, and it's equally good that we debate the
>> trade-offs here.
>> As warned in my email I'm "nit-picking" on the benchmark methodology,
>> and probably more than the usual, because I care!
>> I am highlighting what I believe to be useful advice though: the
>> absolute metrics of such tests need not be taken as primary
>> (exclusive?) decision factor. Which doesn't mean that performing such
>> tests is not useful, they certainly provide a lot to think about.
>> Yet the interpretation of such results need to not be generalised, and
>> the interpretation process is more important than the absolute
>> ballpark figures they provide; for example it's paramount to figure
>> out which factors of the test could theoretically invert the results.
>> Using them to identify a binary faster/slow yes/no to proof/disproof a
>> design decision is a dangerous fallacy .. and I'm not picking on
>> Sebastian specifically, just reminding about it as we've all been
>> guilty of it: confirmation bias, etc..
>> The best advice I've ever had myself in performance analysis is to not
>> try to figure out which implementation is faster "on my machine", but
>> to understand why it's producing a specific result, and what is
>> preventing it to produce an higher figure.
>> Once you know that, it's very valuable information as it will tell you
>> either what needs fixing with a benchmark, or what needs to be done to
>> improve the performance of your implementation ;)
>> So that's why I personally don't publish figures often, but hey I
>> still run such tests too and spend a lot of time analysing them, to
>> eventually share what I figure out in the process...
>> Thanks,
>> Sanne
>> >
>> > Peace out! :)
>> > --
>> > Galder Zamarreño
>> > Infinispan, Red Hat
>> >
>> >> On 31 May 2017, at 09:38, Sebastian Laskawiec <slask...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hey Sanne,
>> >>
>> >> Comments inlined.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Sebastian
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 5:58 PM Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org>
>> wrote:
>> >> Hi Sebastian,
>> >>
>> >> the "intelligent routing" of Hot Rod being one of - if not the main -
>> reason to use Hot Rod, I wonder if we shouldn't rather suggest people to
>> stick with HTTP (REST) in such architectures.
>> >>
>> >> Several people have suggested in the past the need to have an HTTP
>> smart load balancer which would be able to route the external REST requests
>> to the right node. Essentially have people use REST over the wider network,
>> up to reaching the Infinispan cluster where the service endpoint (the load
>> balancer) can convert them to optimised Hot Rod calls, or just leave them
>> in the same format but routing them with the same intelligence to the right
>> nodes.
>> >>
>> >> I realise my proposal requires some work on several fronts, at very
>> least we would need:
>> >>  - feature parity Hot Rod / REST so that people can actually use it
>> >>  - a REST load balancer
>> >>
>> >> But I think the output of such a direction would be far more reusable,
>> as both these points are high on the wish list anyway.
>> >>
>> >> Unfortunately I'm not convinced into this idea. Let me elaborate...
>> >>
>> >> It goes without saying that HTTP payload is simply larger and require
>> much more processing. That alone makes it slower than Hot Rod (I believe
>> Martin could provide you some numbers on that). The second arguments is
>> that switching/routing inside Kubernetes is bloody fast (since it's based
>> on iptables) and some cloud vendors optimize it even further (e.g. Google
>> Andromeda [1][2], I would be surprised if AWS didn't have anything
>> similar). During the work on this prototype I wrote a simple async binary
>> proxy [3] and measured GCP load balancer vs my proxy performance. They were
>> twice as fast [4][5]. You may argue whether I could write a better proxy.
>> Probably I could, but the bottom line is that another performance hit is
>> inevitable. They are really fast and they operate on their own
>> infrastructure (load balancers is something that is provided by the cloud
>> vendor to Kubernetes, not the other way around).
>> >>
>> >> So with all that in mind, are we going to get better results comparing
>> to my proposal for Hot Rod? I dare to doubt, even with HTTP/2 support
>> (which comes really soon I hope). The second question is whether this new
>> "REST load balancer" will work better than a standard load balancer using
>> round robin strategy? Again I dare to doubt, even if you you're faster at
>> routing request to proper node, you introduce another layer of latency.
>> >>
>> >> Of course the priority of this is up to Tristan but I definitely
>> wouldn't place it high on todo list. And before even looking at it I would
>> recommend taking Netty HTTP Proxy, putting it in the middle between real
>> load balancer and Infinispan app and measure performance with and without
>> it. Another test could be with 1 and 10 replicas to check the performance
>> penalty of hitting 100% and 10% requests into proper node.
>> >>
>> >> [1]
>> https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2014/08/containers-vms-kubernetes-and-vmware.html
>> >> [2]
>> https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2014/04/enter-andromeda-zone-google-cloud-platforms-latest-networking-stack.html
>> >> [3]
>> https://github.com/slaskawi/external-ip-proxy/blob/Benchmark_with_proxy/Proxy/Proxy.go
>> >> [4]
>> https://github.com/slaskawi/external-ip-proxy/blob/master/benchmark/results%20with%20proxy.txt
>> >> [5]
>> https://github.com/slaskawi/external-ip-proxy/blob/master/benchmark/results%20with%20loadbalancer.txt
>> >>
>> >> Not least having a "REST load balancer" would allow to deploy
>> Infinispan as an HTTP cache; just honouring the HTTP caching protocols and
>> existing standards would allow people to use any client to their liking,
>> >>
>> >> Could you please give me an example how this could work? The only way
>> that I know is to plug a cache into reverse proxy. NGNIX supports pluggable
>> Redis for example [6].
>> >>
>> >> [6] https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/modules/redis/
>> >>
>> >> without us having to maintain Hot Rod clients and support it on many
>> exotic platforms - we would still have Hot Rod clients but we'd be able to
>> pick a smaller set of strategical platforms (e.g. Windows doesn't have to
>> be in that list).
>> >>
>> >> As I mentioned before, I really doubts HTTP will be faster then Hot
>> Rod in any scenario.
>> >>
>> >> Such a load balancer could be written in Java (recent WildFly versions
>> are able to do this efficiently) or it could be written in another
>> language, all it takes is to integrate an Hot Rod client - or just the
>> intelligence of it- as an extension into an existing load balancer of our
>> choice.
>> >>
>> >> As I mentioned before, with custom load balancer you're introducing
>> another layer of latency. It's not a free ride.
>> >>
>> >> Allow me a bit more nit-picking on your benchmarks ;)
>> >> As you pointed out yourself there are several flaws in your setup:
>> "didn't tune", "running in a VM", "benchmarked on a mac mini", ...if you
>> know it's a flawed setup I'd rather not publish figures, especially not
>> suggest to make decisions based on such results.
>> >>
>> >> Why not? Infinispan is a public project and anyone can benchmark it
>> using JMH and taking decisions based on figures is always better than on
>> intuition. Even though there were multiple unknown factors involved in this
>> benchmark (this is why I pointed them out and asked to take the results
>> with a grain of salt), the test conditions for all scenarios were the same.
>> For me this is sufficient to give a general recommendation as I did. BTW,
>> this recommendation fits exactly my expectations (communication inside Kube
>> the fastest, LB per Pod a bit slower and no advanced routing the slowest).
>> Finally, the recommendation is based on a POC which by definition means it
>> doesn't fit all scenarios. You should always measure your system!
>> >>
>> >> So unless you can prove the benchmark results are fundamentally wrong
>> and I have drawn wrong conclusions (e.g. a simple client is the fastest
>> solution whereas inside Kubernetes communication is the slowest), please
>> don't use "naaah, that's wrong" argument. It's rude.
>> >>
>> >> At this level of design need to focus on getting the architecture
>> right; it should be self-speaking that your proposal of actually using
>> intelligent routing in some way should be better than not using it.
>> >>
>> >> My benchmark confirmed this. But as always I would be happy to discuss
>> some alternatives. But before trying to convince me to "REST Router",
>> please prove that introducing a load balancer (or just a simple async proxy
>> for start) gives similar or better performance than a simple load balancer
>> with round robin strategy.
>> >>
>> >> Once we'll have an agreement on a sound architecture, then we'll be
>> able to make the implementation efficient.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Sanne
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 30 May 2017 at 13:43, Sebastian Laskawiec <slask...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>> >> Hey guys!
>> >>
>> >> Over past few weeks I've been working on accessing Infinispan cluster
>> deployed inside Kubernetes from the outside world. The POC diagram looks
>> like the following:
>> >>
>> >> <pasted1.png>
>> >>
>> >> As a reminder, the easiest (though not the most effective) way to do
>> it is to expose a load balancer Service (or a Node Port Service) and access
>> it using a client with basic intelligence (so that it doesn't try to update
>> server list based on topology information). As you might expect, this won't
>> give you much performance but at least you could access the cluster.
>> Another approach is to use TLS/SNI but again, the performance would be even
>> worse.
>> >>
>> >> During the research I tried to answer this problem and created
>> "External IP Controller" [1] (and corresponding Pull Request for mapping
>> internal/external addresses [2]). The main idea is to create a controller
>> deployed inside Kubernetes which will create (and destroy if not needed) a
>> load balancer per Infinispan Pod. Additionally the controller exposes
>> mapping between internal and external addresses which allows the client to
>> properly update server list as well as consistent hash information. A full
>> working example is located here [3].
>> >>
>> >> The biggest question is whether it's worth it? The short answer is
>> yes. Here are some benchmark results of performing 10k puts and 10k
>> puts&gets (please take them with a big grain of salt, I didn't optimize any
>> server settings):
>> >>       • Benchmark app deployed inside Kuberenetes and using internal
>> addresses (baseline):
>> >>               • 10k puts: 674.244 ±  16.654
>> >>               • 10k puts&gets: 1288.437 ± 136.207
>> >>       • Benchamrking app deployed in a VM outside of Kubernetes with
>> basic intelligence:
>> >>               • 10k puts: 1465.567 ± 176.349
>> >>               • 10k puts&gets: 2684.984 ± 114.993
>> >>       • Benchamrking app deployed in a VM outside of Kubernetes with
>> address mapping and topology aware hashing:
>> >>               • 10k puts: 1052.891 ±  31.218
>> >>               • 10k puts&gets: 2465.586 ±  85.034
>> >> Note that benchmarking Infinispan from a VM might be very misleading
>> since it depends on data center configuration. Benchmarks above definitely
>> contain some delay between Google Compute Engine VM and a Kubernetes
>> cluster deployed in Google Container Engine. How big is the delay? Hard to
>> tell. What counts is the difference between client using basic intelligence
>> and topology aware intelligence. And as you can see it's not that small.
>> >>
>> >> So the bottom line - if you can, deploy your application along with
>> Infinispan cluster inside Kubernetes. That's the fastest configuration
>> since only iptables are involved. Otherwise use a load balancer per pod
>> with External IP Controller. If you don't care about performance, just use
>> basic client intelligence and expose everything using single load balancer.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Sebastian
>> >>
>> >> [1] https://github.com/slaskawi/external-ip-proxy
>> >> [2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/5164
>> >> [3]
>> https://github.com/slaskawi/external-ip-proxy/tree/master/benchmark
>> >>
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>> >> --
>> >> Red Hat EMEA
>> >>
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>> >
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