I don’t think it discourages, the people you pention would simply use the 
“default” profile. At least with a list of profiles, the idea of tuning pops 
into your mind and you can go further.

> On 18 Jul 2017, at 15:05, Sebastian Laskawiec <slask...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I have mixed feelings about this to be honest. On one hand this gives a 
> really good experience for new users (just pick a profile you want to use) 
> but on the other hand tools like this discourage users for doing proper 
> tuning work (why should I read any documentation and do anything if 
> everything has already been provided by Infinispan authors).
> Nevertheless I think it might be worth to do a POC and host profiles in a 
> separate repository (to avoid user confusion).
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 6:49 PM Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org 
> <mailto:sa...@infinispan.org>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> tuned is a very nice utility to apply all kind of tuning options to a
> machine focusing on performance options.
> Of course it doesn't replace the tuning that an expert could provide
> for a specific system, but it gives people a quick an easy way to get
> to a reasonable starting point, which is much better than the generic
> out of the box of a Linux distribution.
> In many distributions it runs at boostrap transparently, for example
> it will automatically apply a "laptop" profile if it's able to detect
> running on a laptop, and might be the little tool which switches your
> settings to an higher performance profile when you plug in the laptop.
> There's some good reference here:
>  - 
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Performance_Tuning_Guide/sect-Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Performance_Tuning_Guide-Performance_Monitoring_Tools-tuned_and_tuned_adm.html
> <https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Performance_Tuning_Guide/sect-Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Performance_Tuning_Guide-Performance_Monitoring_Tools-tuned_and_tuned_adm.html>
> It's also easy to find it integrated with other tools, e.g. you can
> use Ansible to set a profile.
> Distributions like Fedora have out of the box profiles included which
> are good tuning base settings to run e.g. an Oracle RDBMS, an HANA
> database, or just tune for latency rather than throughput.
> Communities like Hadoop also provide suggested tuned settings.
> It would be great to distribute an Infinispan optimised profile? We
> could ask the Fedora team to include it, I feel it's important to have
> a profile there, or at least have one provided by any Infinispan RPMs.
> Thanks,
> Sanne
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