+1 for both points.

And I absolutely have to add that I never liked the annotation based listeners, both the embedded and the remote ones.

On 04/16/2018 10:48 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:
+1 to not require annotations, but -100 to ignore the annotations if present, we should throw an exception instead.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 9:57 PM, William Burns <mudokon...@gmail.com <mailto:mudokon...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I personally have never been a fan of the whole annotation thing
    to configure your listener, unfortunately it just has been this way.

    If you are just proposing to adding a new addClientListener method
    that takes those arguments, I don't have a problem with it.

    void addClientListener(Object listener, String filterFactoryName,
    Object[] filterFactoryParams, String converterFactoryName,
    Object[] converterFactoryParams);

    I would think we would use these values only and ignore any
    defined on the annotation.

    Also similar to this but I have some API ideas I would love to
    explore for ISPN 10 surrounding events and the consumption of them.

     - Will

    On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 11:12 AM Galder Zamarreno
    <gal...@redhat.com <mailto:gal...@redhat.com>> wrote:


        We're working with the OpenWhisk team to create a generic Feed
        that allows Infinispan remote events to be exposed in an
        OpenWhisk way.

        So, you'd pass in Hot Rod endpoint information, name of cache
        and other details and you'd establish a feed of data from that
        cache for create/updated/removed data.

        However, making this generic is tricky when you want to pass
        in filter/converter factory names since these are defined at
        the annotation level.

        Ideally we should have a way to pass in filter/converter
        factory names programmatically. To avoid limiting ourselves,
        you could potentially pass in an instance of the annotation in
        an overloaded method or as optional parameter [1].



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