Thanks Emmanuel,

actually I started this thread just to describe what I did, I probably
forgot an "An" at the beginning of the subject :)


On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 6:20 PM, Emmanuel Bernard <>

> Right. Here we are talking about a gRPC representation of the client
> server interactions. Not the data schema stored in ISPN. In that model, the
> API is compiled by us and handed over as a package.
> On 29 May 2018, at 15:51, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
> On 29 May 2018 at 13:45, Vittorio Rigamonti <> wrote:
>> Thanks Adrian,
>> of course there's a marshalling work under the cover and that is
>> reflected into the generated code (specially the accessor methods generated
>> from the oneof clause).
>> My opinion is that on the client side this could be accepted, as long as
>> the API are well defined and documented: application developer can build an
>> adhoc decorator on the top if needed. The alternative to this is to develop
>> a protostream equivalent for each supported language and it doesn't seem
>> really feasible to me.
> ​This might indeed be reasonable for some developers, some languages.
> Just please make sure it's not the only option, as many other developers
> will not expect to need a compiler at hand in various stages of the
> application lifecycle.
> For example when deploying a JPA model into an appserver, or just booting
> Hibernate in JavaSE as well, there is a strong expectation that we'll be
> able - at runtime - to inspect the listed Java POJOs via reflection and
> automatically generate whatever Infinispan will need.
> Perhaps a key differentiator is between invoking Infinispan APIs (RPC) vs
> defining the object models and related CODECs for keys, values, streams and
> query results? It might get a bit more fuzzy to differentiate them for
> custom functions but I guess we can draw a line somewhere.
> Thanks,
> Sanne
>> On the server side (java only) the situation is different: protobuf is
>> optimized for streaming not for storing so probably a Protostream layer is
>> needed.
>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 4:47 PM, Adrian Nistor <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Vittorio,
>>> thanks for exploring gRPC. It seems like a very elegant solution for
>>> exposing services. I'll have a look at your PoC soon.
>>> I feel there are some remarks that need to be made regarding gRPC. gRPC
>>> is just some nice cheesy topping on top of protobuf. Google's
>>> implementation of protobuf, to be more precise.
>>> It does not need handwritten marshallers, but the 'No need for
>>> marshaller' does not accurately describe it. Marshallers are needed and are
>>> generated under the cover by the library and so are the data objects and
>>> you are unfortunately forced to use them. That's both the good news and the
>>> bad news:) The whole thing looks very promising and friendly for many uses
>>> cases, especially for demos and PoCs :))). Nobody wants to write those
>>> marshallers. But it starts to become a nuisance if you want to use your own
>>> data objects.
>>> There is also the ugliness and excessive memory footprint of the
>>> generated code, which is the reason Infinispan did not adopt the
>>> protobuf-java library although it did adopt protobuf as an encoding format.
>>> The Protostream library was created as an alternative implementation to
>>> solve the aforementioned problems with the generated code. It solves this
>>> by letting the user provide their own data objects. And for the marshallers
>>> it gives you two options: a) write the marshaller yourself (hated), b)
>>> annotated your data objects and the marshaller gets generated (loved).
>>> Protostream does not currently support service definitions right now but
>>> this is something I started to investigate recently after Galder asked me
>>> if I think it's doable. I think I'll only find out after I do it:)
>>> Adrian
>>> On 05/28/2018 04:15 PM, Vittorio Rigamonti wrote:
>>> Hi Infinispan developers,
>>> I'm working on a solution for developers who need to access Infinispan
>>> services  through different programming languages.
>>> The focus is not on developing a full featured client, but rather
>>> discover the value and the limits of this approach.
>>> - is it possible to automatically generate useful clients in different
>>> languages?
>>> - can that clients interoperate on the same cache with the same data
>>> types?
>>> I came out with a small prototype that I would like to submit to you and
>>> on which I would like to gather your impressions.
>>>  You can found the project here [1]: is a gRPC-based client/server
>>> architecture for Infinispan based on and EmbeddedCache, with very few
>>> features exposed atm.
>>> Currently the project is nothing more than a poc with the following
>>> interesting features:
>>> - client can be generated in all the grpc supported language: java, go,
>>> c++ examples are provided;
>>> - the interface is full typed. No need for marshaller and clients build
>>> in different language can cooperate on the same cache;
>>> The second item is my preferred one beacuse it frees the developer from
>>> data marshalling.
>>> What do you think about?
>>> Sounds interesting?
>>> Can you see any flaw?
>>> There's also a list of issues for the future [2], basically I would like
>>> to investigate these questions:
>>> How far this architecture can go?
>>> Topology, events, queries... how many of the Infinispan features can be
>>> fit in a grpc architecture?
>>> Thank you
>>> Vittorio
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> --
>>> Vittorio Rigamonti
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> Red Hat
>>> <>
>>> Milan, Italy
>>> irc: rigazilla
>>> <>
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>> --
>> Vittorio Rigamonti
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Red Hat
>> <>
>> Milan, Italy
>> irc: rigazilla
>> <>
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Vittorio Rigamonti

Senior Software Engineer

Red Hat


Milan, Italy

irc: rigazilla
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