I am using infinispan:config:9.4 version and having some sort of confusion. I 
have a Person entity which marked with @Entity and @Cacheable (I have close to 
50 entities like this)

My cache config looks like below.

<local-cache name="entity" statistics="true">
            <locking concurrency-level="1" isolation="READ_COMMITTED" 
acquire-timeout="15000" striping="false"/>
            <transaction mode="NONE" />
            <expiration lifespan="600000" max-idle="1200000" 
            <memory> <object size="111" strategy="REMOVE" /> </memory>
<local-cache name="Goal.Person" statistics="true">
            <locking concurrency-level="1" isolation="READ_COMMITTED" 
acquire-timeout="15000" striping="false"/>
            <transaction mode="NONE" />
            <expiration lifespan="600000" max-idle="1200000" 
            <memory> <object size="222" strategy="REMOVE" /> </memory>

In jconsole under MBean i see two section of infinispan 
1) org.inifispan with infinispan.Person(local) , configuration of evict size 
with 111
2) org.inifispan2 with Goal.Person(local) , configuration of evict size with 222

1. Any reason we have two infinispan sections. (Does the first belongs to L1 
and second belongs to L2, where is just holding object based on there primary 
Id and L2 is referring to L1)
2. Since the object size was used as 111, all the other entities are also 
holding only 111 objects. Do we have any other ways to allocate different 
number to different entities. (in L1 only) (offcourse Goal.Person and 
Goal.Animal can be created but i am asking from L1 bucket perspective.)

Please help. Thanks
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