Very yes. Though unix has extensionless files, the web and MIME are defacto
using suffixes for file type id.

At 06:07 AM 2/15/00 -0800, Paul Sander wrote:
>>--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Let's take a break from the regularly scheduled passive-agressive
>>flamefest and think about an imaginary Versioning System (iVS) 
>>that meets the features that are being talked about.  Here's the
>>first thought off the top of my head:
>>1) Use some kind of MIME file-type mapping to control settings
>>for locking/concurrency (so that your source files are controlled
>>concurrently but images use hard locks) 
>>2) Use similar by-file-type mappings to controll the diff and 
>>sync algorithms used (standard text diff for ascii or unicode,
>>something like Xdelta for your PNGs)
>Oh, yessssss....
>Ideally these file type mappings would be controlled by type managers that
>specify all of the priimitive operations that can be done to each type of
>A versionable mapping of source containers (RCS files) to working copies
>(i.e. a directory management mechanism) is also needed.  This will allow
>renames without the awkward (at best) remove/add workaround, and replace
>the broken modules database implementation.  Note that this has profound
>effects on how repository locks are done, so the current mechanism would
>have to be replaced if it is to scale well.
>And more hooks:  pre- and post-operation, client- and server-side and
>ideally per-file, per-directory, per-command.  And the interfaces should
>be more scalable than the current *info interfaces.
>>Such a system could be configured to behave no differently than
>>the current CVS, or it could be configured to always require
>>hard locks, or something in between.
>I believe it's possible to reconcile the user models, but the repositories
>would be somewhat different.  Forward compatibility (from CVS to the new
>system) should be possible without closing off a return trip should it be
>necessary for some reason (at least, up until the first file rename is done).
>>I suppose you could set the mappings by project subdirectory too,
>>in case you wanted specialized control somewhere.
>Is there any reason why a type manager could not manage directories and
>their contents?
>>Ok, everybody tell me why this can't be done or why I'm talking
>>to the wrong list.  
>>[ducks and runs]
>Stand proud, my friend!  But break out the armor and asbestos underwear
>just in case...
>>--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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