[ On Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 09:56:42 (-0600), David Thornley wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: CVS File Locking
> I don't believe it is designed to do that.  It's freely available
> open-source software, and I've never met anybody in the community
> that wanted to force somebody to do development in one specific
> way before.  You may want it to do that, but that's a different
> statement.

The fact that CVS was indeed designed to force concurrent development
been discussed in detail on this list and is clearly evident both in the
original CVS-I scripts and documentation, as well as in Brian Berliner's
paper.  You can believe what you will, but those are the facts.

> Besides, there are things that cannot be developed concurrently,
> since they are unmergeable, for good reasons or bad.

CVS is not designed to work with un-mergable files.  Period.

If you want to add more merging support to CVS (i.e. to diff3) for
different types of files then that's an entirely different story than
advocating locks.  The former is entirely within the design goals of
CVS but the latter is entirely without.

>  These have
> to have some form of lock.  (From experience, I think "cvs watch on/
> cvs edit" is adequate locking, and hard locks would be no better
> in practice.  Others have different opinions.)  I assume it is your
> position that CVS should not be used in such cases.

No, they do not.  For those very few files for which a merging algorithm
cannot be developed "cvs edit" and friends are far *MORE* than
sufficient for *ALL* purposes CVS should ever be put to use for.  Even
they are over-kill in my opinion.

I.e. if you're having trouble with unmergable files and you think that
hard locks to prevent concurrent edits are the only solution then you
should not be using CVS.  PERIOD.  Please go find some other tool that
supports hard locks in the way you desire and quit advocating for the
impossible in CVS.

(and before Paul Sander jumps up and down in a flurry again: CVS cannot
be "CVS" if it supports hard locks.  Period.  This is not something that
can be discussed logically.  Either CVS forces the copy-edit-merge
paradigm or it is not CVS.)

                                                        Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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