[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/06/2000 04:34:02 PM
>> Also, I just thought of a couple of cases that might need discussion:
>> Where, if anyplace, will CVS admin subdirectories get created?
>> echo "dir" >.cvsignore
>> mkdir dir
>> cd dir
>> touch file
>> cvs add file
>"dir/CVS" will be created and populated and "file" will be marked as
>"added", just as the user requests.
>> and, a little different:
>> echo "dir0" >.cvsignore
>> mkdir -p dir0/dir1
>> cd dir0/dir1
>> touch file
>> cvs add file
>Once again CVS admin directories will be created where necessary and the
>file specified will be marked as "added", just as the user requests
>(i.e. dir/CVS *and* dir1/CVS will be created).

I guess I should've been more ambiguous with the above commands ;)  What if the
final lines were "cvs add" instead of "cvs add file"?


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