Speaking of diff utilities, I have configured WinCVS to use
C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs\diff.exe -u
to do diffs, yet I still get a non-unified diff output. Know how to solve that?

Alexandre Parenteau wrote:
> Harald,
> You can not expect to redirect the stdout because of TCL (the shell used
> in WinCvs) lacks this. However you can probably do the same thing with
> TCL, but it's complicated.
> Instead, you can open-up the graph for this file, and ask to compare
> against the version you're interested in. If you have a good diff
> utility, you can do the merge right away. Or you simply look where is
> the file checked-out (probably in C:\TEMP\myfile.revision.c) and you can
> use it to merge it manually.
> Regards,
> alex.

p.s. What are the commands you can type into that window? Never even knew that you 
could until now.

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