Noel Cragg wrote:
> Hey --
> I was getting cvs server set up with custom password (i.e. using
> CVSROOT/passwd) and wanted to make CVS passwords different from regular
> login password. The docs said the only way to specify passwords was to
> copy and paste them from /etc/passwd -- but this is exactly what i was
> trying to avoid.
> So I wrote this tiny little program that crypts a password, which then
> can be read into CVSROOT/passwd (say, "r !crypt mypass" in vi).... I am
> running Red Hat 6.1, and the code makes use of new md5 password
> crypting.
> Hope this is useful.
> -- Kostya
in cvs doc: cvs/html-info/cvs_18.html#SEC177
There is an option in CVSROOT/config file, you can put:

     If value is `yes', then pserver should check for users in the system's
 user database if not found in `CVSROOT/passwd'. If it is `no', then all
pserver users must exist in `CVSROOT/passwd'. The default is `yes'. For 
more on pserver, see section 2.9.3 Direct connection with password authentication. 

Fabien Seisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] dakol@IRCNET

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