> You're right.  For consistency's sake, "cvs up -C file" should get a clean copy
> of the HEAD.  I think, in general, there should be a way to specify the base
> revision (is there a BASE alias similar to HEAD?)

Ok, since HEAD means different things, etc, I'd like to propose the following alias 

TRUNK - top of the trunk
BHEAD - head of the current branch (or trunk if not on a branch)
PHEAD - head of the parent branch (or trunk if the file split from the trunk)
TBASE - point at which this file left the trunk. Same as self if not on a branch.
        (Essentially, base back at the trunk)
SPLIT - point at which this file left was branched. Same as self if not on a branch.
        (Essentially, base of this branch).
(or: BBASE?)

This way, there no longer needs to be a concern about HEAD meaning one thing to diff, 
something else to everyone else, no way to get the diff meaning in any other context, 
no way to get the norm meaning in diff, etc.

And, PHEAD/SPLIT provide better support for branching off a branch instead of off the 

Comments? (besides the "Except for stuff marked 'state dead'", of course).

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