"Derek R. Price" wrote:
> > Now you have a heavily modified project. No single file has been modified in
> > every branch. But you want to (somehow) get the list of "project branches" --
> > what versions branched from what original versions, nestings (if any), etc.
> No, but you could.  If you could guarantee that any directory created on the project
> always has a file created with it.  Say, ".alwaysthere".  Do it as a convention or
> convert an old repository.   Assuming you always operated on directories from then 
> you would only have to check a single file per directory.

Won't help. That file won't be modified in any version; checking it will do
nothing more
than checking any single file. It will tell you the list of branches, but
nothing about
the nesting order (unless there's more going on than I know of).
> A fairly simply hacked version of CVS should be sufficient to guarantee this behavior
> if you need it, and I've yet to have somebody convince me that there was a REALLY 
> reason to perform branch operations on a single file.

What about someone chekcing out a sub-module, and doing branch operations
on that sub

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